Crazy Cupid.

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Created By; Snow Marisvega•

Chapter 54.


"I don't have any money to put a house in Mayfair!!" Jaxton complained and groaned.

"Well, that's good. No one here wants to pay fourteen thousand for just entering Mayfair." I said and rolled my eyes at him.

"You're just jealous that I bought it." Jaxton retorted.

"You have two houses there and you wanna add another? That's cruel!" I barked.


"I gotta agree with Dylan here," Dominic chuckled. "That's just cruel."

"He's got a point." Gwen nodded.

"True," Jon nodded.

"You guys are haters!" Jax sneered.

Jon laughed. "Not really."

"We just want you to go broke," Christian shrugged.

"And sell your land," Gwen added.

"And then someone else can buy that place," Raven beamed.

"Someone who isn't you." I wiggled my brows at him.

He grumbled with a frown. "I hate all of you."

So here we were, at the dinning playing monopoly like a bunch of evil kids. We had been playing for God knows how long, I kinda lost track of time but I'm pretty sure we've played for a long time and Jaxton owning that Mayfair land was putting everyone of us in jeopardy, we were going broke and that wasn't good, we barely crossed.

"My turn to roll the dice." Christian said with a smile.


Now if you're wondering what happened when christian came in, it wasn't much drama. I introduced him to Dominic since he knew everyone else in the house and I told him that they came on short notice and I couldn't send them away and since I invited him to come hang out at my place then we could all hang out together, no big deal.

He did look a little disappointed which I couldn't understand why but he did blend in so no much trouble and by what I see, he's having fun just like everyone.

Okay, lets take a step back. Of course I knew why he was disappointed, but I'm gonna act like I don't know why because at the end of the day, I know he'll have fun.

Christian rolled the dice and at the moment the door opened. "Dylan? Jaxton?" Mom called.

I sighed. "Be right back, guys. Do. Not. Steal any money!" I warned as I stood up with Jaxton and walked over to where my parents were.  "Hey dad, hey mom." I greeted.

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