Facing The Villians

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Dedicated to Doggopowerzz who just made my evening with his DM


Created By: Snow Marisvega•

Chapter 46.



I glared at the being right in front of me, seeing him made my blood boil.

"Well, well. I guess we meet again." He grinned as he walked towards us. "Its nice seeing you again."

"I wish I could say the same." I scowled at him.

"This is such an amazing coincidence." He chuckled.

"Yeah, not really." I fake smiled.

He chuckled again. "Always with that annoying tone." He hissed. "Do you know what I hated about you the most?"

"No, but I'm sure you're gonna tell me anyway." I flashed him a smile.

"You've always got a smart mouth with nothing to back it up." He said, now standing close to me.

"And do you know what I hate about you the most?" I cocked a brow at him. "Your stupid ego." I stated. "I mean you have such a big ego, it has made you go blind and you can't actually see the lowlife you've become." I retorted.

He didn't reply and smirked. "Oh Dylan, tsk tsk tsk." He shook his head as he looked down, he rose his head and smiled at me. "You have no idea what is coming for you, I'll make you pay for what you did."

I didn't reply.

"I hate you." He gritted out.

I sighed. "Well then, I guess you've gotta have to stand in line, because there are a lot of people who hate me and planning the revenge thing on me. Honestly, you wouldn't be the first."

He just smirked and stayed quiet for a while. "You lied to the principal. I didn't push you. Jon did."

"But you ordered him to do it, which means you did." I replied immediately. "He was only following your orders."

"Jon should have been the one suspended."

"Not If the mastermind was caught." I shrugged.

"We both should have suffered the consequences." He sounded pissed and if he was, so was I.

"And instead, only one person did." I shrugged and gave him a smile. "You."

He moved closer. "I have to attend summer classes because of you! I will have to miss the exams and-"

"And I don't give a wet monkey's ass what happens to you, Eric." I cut him off. "I honestly don't care cause whatever happens in your life doesn't matter to me, neither does it affect me." I shook my head.

He swallowed, glaring at me. "When I return, I'll make you beg. I'll make you suffer and make your life hell."

"You see, that's one thing you're not getting right." I shook my head again and folded my arms, taking a step towards him and looking him in the eye. "I really am not afraid of you, Eric. You are just like every bully in a high school movie, easy to deal with." I laughed. 

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