Chapter 0 The intro

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This story contains domestic violence, drugs, rape, alcohol use, blood, anxiety, and depression. Don't read if you're not comfortable with stories like this! Please and thank you!

"You selfish brat get back here" he yells at me. I won't go back, I can't go back, not after what he did to me. The abuse, the yelling, the beating and the cheating. It's too much, I can't handle it. I have to leave him, no shoes running with my bare feet, not having a clue of where i'm going just running for my dear life, running until he gives up and stops chasing me, yelling my name, calling me names. My feet start to hurt but that doesn't stop me. I turn my head around but when I do, I don't see him, where did he go? He was just here! I still continue to run not stopping, where are the cars, why aren't people roaming the streets, why is it all pitch black? What the fuck is going on? As i run my foot hits something heavy I fall, my entire body falls to the ground. I try to scream but nothing comes out, why can't I speak? Why is my voice mute? I get up wincing at the pain I feel, I can't see anything everything is so dark not even the streetlights are on.

"My love what are trying to do" he says laughing at me, with the snap of his fingers, the streetlights are on. There he is with the stupid smirk on his face he tilts his head

"My love aren't you happy to see me?" I shake my head at his stupid question

He laughs at me "of course you are, stop acting like a little brat'' he comes towards me

I cower away, my back hitting the brick wall, he comes to close to me looking down on me as if I was some child being scolding for being bad. I look down not wanting to look at his eyes, those eyes that I fell in love with, he grabs my chin making me look at him

"Look at you," he says in a whisper "my whore trying to escape from me.....again"

digging his nails into my chin, I let out a whimper

"Don't you want us to be happy Ricky?"

He smacks me, I hit the ground

"For god sakes the shit I do for you and this is how you repay me you fucking bitch" he yells the more he speaks the more he raises his voice.

I try to get up but when I do he kicks my stomach "ah" I let out, I won't let him break me, he loves to hear me scream.

"Pathetic piece of shit" he spits on me, another kick to my stomach, he grabs me by my shirt

"Listen here you slut you are always gonna be my whore, your body is mine, I owe you remember this ok," he says looking straight into my eyes

"Ok," I say the only thing leaving my mouth, my voice goes mute when I don't follow his rules. I only speak when spoken too.

"Good now since you disobeyed me I have to punish you" he laughs at my face

"No please no" I cry out

He just laughs at me punching me in my nose

"No!"I screamed jumping up, looking at my surroundings. I was in bed just like yesterday, just like the other night and the other night before. My breathing starts to slow down, everything is fine. I look around one more time, it was just a dream, a horrible dream that I always have every night. The tears start to run down my cheeks. I let it all out not caring if people hear me.  What the fuck is happening to me just when I think I'm getting better, I start to crumble. My tears not stopping. I must have been crying so much that I don't notice Devin coming inside my room

"Oh babe," Devin says sitting on the edge of my bed

"Another nightmare?" he says

I shake my head still crying my eyes out holding onto my chest. Devin comes close to me putting his arms around me

"Shhh it's gonna be ok Ricky"

But is it really gonna be ok?


(a/n) Hello everyone! So this is my story! I hope you guys like it, I am not a perfect writer but I'm trying so if I fuck up please go easy on me! This is sorta of a Cricky fanfic not really but as you guys continue reading the story you guys would understand! So yeah thanks for reading this crappy story!

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