Chapter 28

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Ricky's Pov

I wake up to the smell of bacon, I was confused Devin never makes breakfast it's usually cereal or chips in the morning. I get off the bed looking down at myself I have bruises on my hips, cum stains all over my stomach, I leave my room going to the bathroom making sure to be quiet about it.

"Morning babe," Devin says sweetly

I turn to face him, he was wearing booty shorts

"Morning" I mumble under my breath going to the bathroom closing the door. I was already naked so I turn the water on deciding to shower, I want to feel clean, I rinse my entire body, I run my hands on my face letting out a sigh, this is what I need. The hot water felt so nice against my skin, I have my eyes closed resting my back on the wall.

"Mind if I join you?" Devin says huskily pulling the shower curtain open. 

I jump at his presence, what the fuck I didn't even hear the door open!

"Devin!" I cover my penis with my hands "what the fuck are you doing!" I scream

He smirks "what? I can't join my boyfriend in the shower?"

I froze, boyfriend?

"Um, boyfriend?" I said out loud 

Devin takes off his shorts leaving him completely naked

"Yes boyfriends," he says as if it was the obvious thing on this planet, he hops in the shower with me, I move as far away as possible.

I glare at him "you and I aren't boyfriends!"

He tries to touch me but I slap his hand away.

"Ricky come on, we've slept with each other twice already don't you think that means something?" he points out, grabbing the soup rubbing the soup against his body.

Was he really this comfortable around me? Here I was stuck in the same position while he casually showers with me?!

"Devin can you hurry up and get the fuck out" 

"Come on babe, it's just me" trying to touch me again I slap his hand harder this time.

"Stop! Get the fuck out! I'm tired of your shit! I don't want to be with you" pushing him "I can't give you what you want Devin! I don't want to be with you! Last night was just sex nothing more than that" I clarify

Devin's face showed hurt, his eyes begin to water, he gets out the shower not saying a single word, he gives me one last glance before he closes the door.

"Thank you," I said barely a whisper.


Once I was done I get out the shower putting a towel around my waist. I get out of the bathroom going to my room to change into fresh new clothes. The apartment was pretty quiet, I change into sweatpants and a plain black t-shirt. I go to the kitchen looking at the bacon getting myself a piece, there was also eggs and waffles. Devin made all of this for me? I felt the tiny bit of guilt starting to build in me. I eat a little bit of everything, I decide to go apologize to Devin and explain things in a nicer way. I love Devin with all my heart but I can't be with him. I have a revolution to finish. Being in a relationship will ruin what I already build up. I knock on his bedroom door waiting for a response but nothing, I knock again once again nothing. I open the door

"Devin" I call out, he wasn't in his bedroom his drawers were wide open, some of his pants were gone, his closet door was open as well, his shirts on the hangers were all gone. I raise a brow, what the fuck? Did he just leave? I run to my room getting my phone. My heart begins to ache, he left me! That asshole left me. I dial his number calling him couple rings later and he doesn't pick up, I call him again but nothing his phone goes straight to voicemail.

I throw my phone across the room falling to my knees, pulling the roots of my hair

All people will leave you Ricky that's just the way it is. 

"Shut up" I scratch my face, I go under my bed taking out my pocket knife, I start stabbing the bed, I put holes in the walls. I throw my lamp across the floor. I throw anything I can get my hands on, I go to the kitchen, I grab the plates tossing them to the ground. I had my hammer in one hand and on the other hand, I had my knife, I smash the tv

"How can you leave me?" I scream swinging my hammer to the tv "you" smash "fucking" smash "dick" another smash to the tv. I toss the hammer across the room.

Haha oh Ricky, your therapist wouldn't want this to happen.

My therapist! I have to see him now. I have to talk to someone, I put my hoodie on and shoes. I leave my apartment not even bothering to shut the door.


I yank the glass door open, he couldn't be busy, he can't be.

"Edward I need your fucking help" I open his door, I regret it immediately. Why do I get stuck with these type of people? There he was fucking some girl on his desk, he turns his head quickly

"Ricky!" he screams trying to cover himself up.

I shut the door, running out the building.


Marilyn's Pov

Day five of spending my day doing nothing, I was laying on my couch only in my boxers, beer cans all over the floor, I was watching Shameless on Netflix while eating chips. My phone begins to ring, I groan it was doing this all morning! Why can't anyone leave me alone! I want to spend my last couple of days doing nothing before I go back home. I check to see who it was, to my surprise it was Vinny, I was annoyed that after all these days he finally decides to talk to me? I pick up the phone "well look who fin-" he cuts me off

"Some boy may know the killer," he says

I jump off the couch "what do you mean?" I ask putting him in speaker

"Some boy's mother came here to report her statement, she said her son came home drunk last night" Vinny pauses, come on Vinny speak damn it! "her son explained to her how the killer killed one of the victims," he says "everyone has been calling you but you don't answer so I decided to call you" his voice goes flat 

"Where is she?" I asked putting on a shirt

"She hasn't been to work in two days," he says knowing exactly who I'm talking about 

I was worried now, where was Maria?

"No offensive Manson but now is not the time to worry about your relationship, we have a killer to catch," he says breaking me out of my thoughts

"You're right" I agree with him, going inside my car. 

"By the way who's the boy?" I ask starting the engine

"His name is Jacob" Vinny answers.

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