Chapter 27

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Ricky's Pov

Saturday was finally here, I was in my dressing room getting ready. I hear the door open

"Oliver, what the fuck?" Ben yells

"What?" I ask 

Ben crosses his arms "what do you mean what? You left without even saying goodbye and your friend barged into my room as if he owned it"

I let out a deep sigh, I really don't want to argue with anyone but I'm guessing that's never my luck.

"Listen, Ben, I'm sorry for my friend doing that but he was worried about me," I say while I put on my massacre "I'm also really sorry for not saying anything but I had to leave Las Vegas, I couldn't stay there"

Ben's eyes go soft "Oliver if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here," he says, he comes behind me wrapping his arms around my waist, I put my hands on top of his

"Thank you, Ben, it means a lot," I say truthfully

He pulls away "no problem" running a hand through my hair "can I curl your hair?" he asks

I raise a brow "why?"

He grins "please! You need a new look anyways"

New look! I like my hair this way but I'm guessing a new look won't hurt me

"Fine but you better not burn me!" I warn, pointing my finger on his chin

He smiles "I won't!" running to his side of the room to get the curling iron


I was waiting for my name to be called, I was so excited to be back on that shiny pole. I love what I do, he would have hated me if he found out I did these types of things. That's something I loved about him, he was always so protective about me, if he saw some guy staring at me, he would get mad and say something. It made me feel special.

Stop! Just stop!

I felt a hand touch my shoulder which causes me to back away quickly

"Woah, didn't mean to scare you," Mr. Davis says

I go red "oh Mr. Davis, hello sir, sorry I get scared easily" I explain

He smirks "how cute"

I could die right now, my face couldn't even get more red as it already was.

"So it's good to have you back Oliver," he says twirling one of curly hair around his finger

"Thank you, Mr. Davis" I quietly say

"Is there a chance I can take you out?" he asks

My eyes go wide "w-what?"

He laughs at my suspense "can I take you out Oliver?" he asks me again

No, tell him no Ricky and I mean it.

I grab his face pulling him in for a kiss, he was surprised but quickly recollected himself kissing me back.

I pull away slightly

"So I take that as a yes?" he questions

"Yes Mr. Davis" I respond

"Great now I want you to kill it on that stage," he says giving my ass a little squeeze.

I blush "yes Mr, Davis"

He lets go of me walking away.

I smile ear to ear.

What the fuck did I just say? Are you becoming stupid as the days go by? You should have said no! You only have this job to kill! Not going on dates with strangers!

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