Chapter 30

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Marilyn's Pov

"I want you to search for the name Ricky, find any Ricky out there and let me know when you have something," I tell Ryan, he nods his head going straight to his computer. It was already midnight. We were still at the station Jacob told me everything about that night, how he went to Ricky's apartment to go get help and how Ricky killed Harrison. 

"Marilyn" I hear someone say, I turn to my left seeing my beautiful Maria looking blue in the face.

"Maria where the hell have you been?" I ask her quietly pulling her aside.

"Marilyn I have something to tell you," she says nervously

"What is it?" raising a brow

"I um well you see I-"

"Marilyn we have something!" Ryan interrupts us

I walk towards him seeing so many Ricky's on the screen

"Jacob" I shout, I want him to see if he can search for "his Ricky" as he keeps telling me.

Jacob looks at the screen while Ryan was scrolling down waiting for Jacob to point at Ricky

His breathing goes hitched "there, that's him" he points at the photo

My stomach begins to turn, I've seen him! He lives at that apartment where we found Harrison's body and I saw him at.. Las Vegas! He was there! He killed Ash!

"Richard Allen Olson," Ryan says

"Search for him" I demand

Ryan does what I say clicking on Ricky's photo.

"Look, Manson," Ryan says pointing at Ricky's document, I take a look seeing as Ricky has made a lot of trips to the hospital.

"Why was he at the hospital so many times?" Maria asks behind me

"It says he had broken an arm, leg and in the middle of the supermarket he fainted in one of the aisles" Ryan answers "I only see one  person in his emergency contact list," he says

"Who?" Jacob asks

"Christopher Cerulli," Ryan says

My eyes go wide

"Search him up," I ask quickly

Ryan types his name, my heart begins to race.

"Christopher lives in Pittsburgh PA " Ryan states searching for more information.

Christopher, why have I heard that name before?

It all comes to me, oh my god I know what Ricky's going to do! I leave the room 

"Manson" I hear Maria call out.

"I need to handle this myself Maria," I shout running out the building going to my car.


"Ricky" I call out barging into his apartment. Everything here was a mess. I take my gun out.

"Ricky" I call out again, I don't get a response, I check the kitchen and the bathroom but nothing

I go down the hall going inside one of the rooms. There was a note on the bed, I pick it up unfolding it.

Devin, if you ever read this or even bother to come back home. I want you to know that I love you so much. I'm sorry I can't give you what you want. I will forever love you as my best friend. I'm going somewhere far. I need to handle something personal to me. Maybe when I'm done with all of this I can come back to see your pretty face - Ricky

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