Chapter 7

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I get on top of his dead body grabbing the pocket knife and carve a "C" on his cheek.

"Look how beautiful you look" I whisper running my fingers through his hair.

I kiss his lips one more time, going into his pockets to get his keys. I can't go walking around knowing I have so much blood on me. The revolution has started! My fellow victims are gonna thank me! I get back into his car and look in the rear view mirror, My face full of blood. My dress covered in blood and my hands covered in blood. Fuck this! I go inside my bag and get the wipes. Wipes for my makeup and wipes to make sure my fingerprints aren't anywhere here. Once I take off my makeup. I look at myself again. The damage little boy in me is still there. My lips start to quiver. The tears running down my face. I bang my head on the wheel.

Stupid, Stupid, Stupid. You're so dumb Ricky! Thinking you're gonna get away with this!

Shut up! SHUT UP!  

My hands shaking, I take a deep breath in and out "calm down" I whisper, starting the car and driving. I turn the radio on. Trying to calm down


TIME SKIP~ (I guess I can call this a "time skip" Idfk anyways continue!)

I park the car and get a wipe to clean any fingerprints of mine. Once I finish. I get out the car throwing his keys into a pin. I start to walk. Seven more blocks to the apartment building, I left my bookbag right behind the garbage can, I make sure nobody can see it. Putting garbage around it. The apartment Devin and I live in, it's a nice one. People are nice but when it comes to all of us taking out the trash..... It's not a big deal. Nobody knows how to throw away a garbage bag. Reasons why my bag would be perfect to just stay there with fresh clothes waiting for me.

I see the apartment building. I walk faster and see my bag from the corner of my eye.

I grab it, removing the garbage from it. Going behind the building where there were no lights and no cameras. I change putting my black jeans on and my hoodie on. I put the now bloody dress in the bag and start making my way into the building. I go in and decide to take the steps 

I see my hallway and go to my door. Getting my keys out, opening the door.

It was quiet. Devin wasn't home yet. Good. I don't need him up my ass about me going out or him asking me questions. I go straight into my room and put my bookbag under my bed. Grabbing my towel, heading to the shower. It's been such a good day.



FBI special agent Marilyn Manson makes his way into the crime scene.

"What do we have here?" he says putting rubber gloves on.

"Man who's in his mid 30's found dead at 5:00 AM. Runners were going for a run and they saw him, his throat was slit open and stabbed about eleven times but as you can see he has a C carved on his cheek" said the Police officer

Agent Manson bends down to get a better look and his throat was slit open by the looks of it. It was a small weapon that stabbed this man

"The weapon the killer used was maybe a pocket knife, seeing as the wounds are kinda small but enough to make him bleed out and die," I say, turning his head to get a better look on his face.

"what do you think the C stands for," A women who's voice I recognize 

"Agent Manson, nice to see you" Detective Brink greeted me with a smirk on her face. As we continue to look at each other awkwardly, she begins to speak  

"Well I see you already saw the murder crime," she says clapping her hands together. 

"Um yeah I already saw, Brutal murder" I replied back putting my hands in my pockets. Clearing my throat. Waiting for her response.

"You know, just last week there was a man who got choked to death"

I raise my eyebrows "Oh really"

"Do you think these gentlemen's were killed by the same killer?" she questions

"Maybe but I say we do our job and see what leads on with this son of a bitch who's doing this" I respond.

She smiles and walks away.

"Oh and agent," she says turning around "it's an honor to make you blush so easily"

My face going even darker than before.

She's snickers and walks away. Making her way to talk to a police officer.

As I was turning around. A very short man approaches me

"Hello agent!" he chirps out

I blink profusely at the strange man in front of me.

"Hey! So nice to meet you!" putting his hand out waiting for me to shake

"Hello to you too" his grip was tight.

"Oh wow can't believe I'm meeting you right now" he exclaims still shaking my hand not letting go.

"What's your job here?" I question him

He finally lets go of my hand, giving me the biggest smile moving his long brown hair out his face.

"I'm a forensics specialist," he says

"Oh wow so you exam evidence" I respond back

He shakes his head proudly "yep"

As I was about to respond until detective Brink cuts me off

"Vinny how about you quit talking and take some photos of the crime so we can exam them in the lab," she says sternly giving him the boss look.

Vinny smiles "ok boss" walking away.

"You're welcome," she says. Patting my shoulder.

Today was gonna be a long day.


(A/N. New characters! Two new characters in the next chapter! 

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