Chapter 29

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Marilyn's Pov

I rush inside going to the second floor, once the elevator doors open, I'm faced with a woman sitting across my desk with her son who has his head down not making eye contact with anyone. I make my way towards them but a hand grabs my wrist, I look to see Vinny was the one grabbing me

"The boy isn't talking to anyone, he doesn't want to share what he knows" letting go of my wrist, "Jacob's mother said that her son keeps having night terrors, she says when he's sleeping he calls out a name" Vinny explains looking at the boy

I look at Jacob his hair was covering his face, he kept on rubbing his hands together, his mother was trying to relax her son but he slapped her hands off of him.

"I'll try to talk to him if he has something to do with this case," I tell Vinny

Vinny sighs "can I be there when you talk to him?" he asks politely

I smile putting a hand on his shoulder "yeah, you can be there". 

We make our way to the mother and her damage boy, she sees us, standing up from her chair fixing her skirt.

"My name is Rose" sticking her hand out, I shake it introducing myself and Vinny. We all sit down.

"So Rose" I begin to speak "you came here because you think your son was involved with the killer?" I ask the women

She nods her head looking at her son but he doesn't even bother to look at her back

"My son has been acting weird ever since that guy was killed," she says nervously

"Who?" Vinny asks

"I don't know his name but I heard he was hanging from a fan" she explains, I kept my gaze on Jacob.

"Harrison, his name was Harrison" I answer, Jacob tenses up when he hears that name.

"When Jacob sleeps, he says Harrison no every single time," she says "Well yesterday night my son" pointing to Jacob "he came home last night really drunk, he barges into my room telling me he had something to do with killing Harrison" her voice goes shaky. 

"Well Rose, your son was pretty drunk last night, he was saying things that didn't make any sense" I simply say

She shakes her head "No agent Manson, he was telling me everything that happened that night, he was really specific with his story" she says "he started crying when he said the name Ri-"

Jacob tilts his head up "don't you bring up that fucking name" he sneers glaring at his mother.

His mother stays quiet looking between Vinny and me desperately.

Vinny clears his throat "so Rose how about we let these two talk while you and I get some coffee?" Vinny tells Rose nicely

Rose looks at her child "come clean sweetie" she pleads him getting up from her chair walking away with Vinny.

I put my hands together "so Jacob are you going to tell me what happened that night?" I ask the boy

He stays quiet, oh no, he isn't going to bull shit me. 

"You know Jacob, your mother is really worried about you, she wants the best for you. You know something about this killer Jacob I know you do"

"I'm not saying anything" closing his eyes

This little fucker was not gonna win this

I sigh "well Jacob you leave me no choice, looks like you're going to jail" I lie

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