Chapter 21

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 Ricky's Pov

I walk out of the hotel room, I was furious! I was so angry! How dare he question me! I'm so fucking angry. I had to leave before I did some damage on his stupid face! That son of a bitch! God, I hate him so much! I need to get far away as possible!

You could have killed him, you know that right?

"No, I can't... that's wrong" I say

So? What do you have to lose? Nothing, if he finds out about what you do, you're screwed! The next time he questions it just kill him.

"No! That's fucking final" I yell in the middle of the streets, I look around thank god nobody was walking around. I kept on walking, not having a clue of where I'm heading, I put my hoodie up, holding my suitcase tight. I have no idea where I'm sleeping tonight

You have no fucking brain! Call your fucking British friend

I search in my pocket, I find the paper he gave me and dial his number, a couple of rings pass I was going to hang up but then he answered

"Hello," he says, his voice sounds so soft

"Hey Ben, it's Ri-" what the fuck is wrong with me?! I was going to give out my name! "Oliver, it's Oliver" I correct myself

"Oliver!" he says "I didn't expect you to call me!"

I chuckle, yeah I didn't want to but yet here we are

"Um I need a big favor," I say

"What is it?"

"Is there a chance I can stay with you and your man tonight?" I ask

"Um hold up," he says

Oh no, he's going to say no, I know it! It was a bad idea to call him.

I hear some things shuffle on the phone, I was still walking around waiting for an answer

"Thanks, babe, your the best! Ok Oliver"

I quickly put the phone back on my ear

"Danny said yes, I'll send you the address," he says

"Thank you so much" I respond

"No problem and Oliver now I need a favor from you," he says huskily

Oh my god, what now!

"What is it?" I ask biting down my nails

"You'll see when you arrive" hanging up the phone

My phone buzzes, I check it, Ben sent me the hotel suite he was staying in.

I sigh, well here we go. I decide to walk there seeing as the weather wasn't bad.

My mind was racing, so many people stuck in this head of mine, I was losing it! Devin, Marilyn, my abusive lover and her... God, I hate this! Marilyn... The things I can do to him, he's handsome and tall, I love that... I want to know him.. See what he's like... is that a bad thing?

Stalk him! Go see for yourself

I smirk "yeah I will tomorrow morning, let's go see what his life is like"


I was walking for ages! My legs were killing me! I had no food or water with me! Ugh, can this night get any worse? I check my phone and see I'm 20 minutes away from the hotel

I groan putting my phone away, my backpack had my supplies for what I need. I really hope I use them while I'm here. I look at my surroundings, I was in the shitty streets of Las Vegas. Homeless people at each corner, slutty girls walking around. Guys coming out of the bar shitface drunk. Of course, I was minding my own business, I don't need trouble at the moment but so much in me wants to kill. I take out my phone going to photos, I scroll to the top, I haven't seen these photos in such a long time. There were photos of him and I.. I would always try to grab his phone but whenever I tried to touch his phone, he would get mad or snatch his phone so quickly. One of his rules was to never touch his phone or else I would be in so much trouble, I of course never touched his phone...

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