Chapter 17

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Manson's Pov

"Marilyn wake up," someone says from the distance. I open my eyes, my head was pounding. Everything was an echo, my entire body was aching. What the fuck happened last night? I sit up looking at my surroundings, I was lying down on someone's bed, what the fuck? I look up and see Maria putting her hair in a nice tight bun, I know I was staring but I can't help it, she looks really pretty this morning, she catches me staring

"Morning," she says

I was lost at words, I was at her house lying on her bed not having a clue how I got here.

"You were wasted last night, I brought you to my apartment, you couldn't sleep on the couch because you said you were scared I offered you to sleep here," she says answering my thoughts

I was completely lost, I was treating her like shit the entire time but yet she brings me back to her apartment treating me well. Now I feel like the biggest asshole, she comes towards me sitting on the edge of the bed.

"How do you feel," she asks

She was wearing a yellow dress, god she looks so beautiful, I wanted to kiss her so badly but I can't... a part of me was still angry, why? I don't know...

"Marilyn are you there?" waving her hand in front of my face.

"Y-yeah I'm here" I chuckle "um you look lovely today"

She smiles "do I?" getting up giving me a twirl.

I smile "yeah, you do"

She blushes


I smile trying to get up but when I do the entire room was spinning.

"Hey be careful" concern in her voice coming to my side to balance me.

"Lay back down while I get you some water," she says

I nod my head lying back down, I won't lie.. her bed was comfortable but not as comfortable as mine. She comes back to the room water in her hand handing it to me.

"Thanks" I mumble

"Yeah, no problem," she says sitting back down looking down at her lap.

Silence fills the whole room, I felt like she had to say something but was choosing not to.

"Do you have something to say?" I ask putting the water down, she looks directly in my eyes

"You kissed Ash last night"

My eyes go wide... no, I did not. I couldn't have..there's no way.. Why would I do that? I love Maria too much to do some dumb shit like that.

"Don't ask me how it happened because that I don't know but I saw you kiss her?" she says in a whisper

"Maria I-I don't know what to say," 

She laughs getting up from the bed

"You never fucking know what to say! It's been the same shit with you! Never knowing what to say!" she yells.

How can she yell at me when she was the one who fucked up first! She was the one who moved on first! I waited and waited for her to come back to me but she never did, why? Because she was seeing someone else. My heart was completely broken when I found out but what did I do? I moved on... well tried at least.

I was annoyed at the fact that she has the nerves to yell at me, my head was pounding as it is so her screaming wasn't helping. I get up not caring for a headache coming.

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