Chapter 12

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Ricky pov


"Oh my fucking god!" I hear Devin groan in frustration which made me jump in fear when I see Devin get mad or upset, I get scared thinking he's gonna kick me out or hit me.

Whenever he got mad at me he will hit me and blame me for whatever other people did to him. There was never a day where he didn't hit me. Just the thought of it makes me wanna cry

Hold yourself together Ricky! Stop being a little bitch! He's gone and never gonna hurt you again. Get that shit in your head!

I know stop yelling at me!

"Shut up" I whispered shaking my head and coming back to reality. I head to the kitchen and see Devin's head resting on the table.

"Hey buddy," I say sitting across from him petting his hair like a dog

He groans "hey" still having his head on the table and from the looks of it, he's gonna stay in this position for a long time.

"The bill is 300 dollars," he says

My eyes go wide "what!" I yell

"Yep" he mutters

"Holy shit Devin th-that's a lot of money" fiddling with my hands not wanting the guilt to eat me alive because the bill is so high cause of me. I turn all the lights on and keep the AC on all day. I get scared in the night and having the lights on make me feel safe knowing he isn't gonna come and take me away or worse... Kill me like he promised he would.

"I don't know how I'm gonna pay this fucking bill, my mom's birthday is coming up and I wanna buy her something special from the heart, you know what I mean!" he says still having his head on the table.

"Oh, Devin I'm so sorry about all of this" putting my head down in shame not wanting Devin to scream at me or worst kick me out.

He chuckles "Ricky don't apologize it's ok, I just have to work more shift at my job" he sighs

"H-how about I get..." I pause for a minute, I'm I really gonna say this..... Fuck it yes I am. Devin needs help and I want to repay him from all the times he helped me.

"How about I get a job" as soon as I said that Devin picks his head up quickly his eyes going wide.

"Oh no Ricky it's fin-"

I cut him off "No really let me help you please," I say wanting to help him in any way I can besides I need a job.

Devin smiles getting off his chair "get up" he says

Confused, I get off my chair and when I do he picks me up and spins me around

"Thank you, Ricky, I love you so much" he exclaims

I laugh "alright put me down, you know I don't do hugs unless I want one"

"Shut up you know you want one," he says slapping my ass which causes my face to turn red

"Put me down," I say sternly

"Alright alright," he says putting me down

"Now where are you going to work?" he asked

I shrug "don't know at the moment but don't worry I'm gonna find one and help you out" I responded

Devin smiles wide "thank you Ricky and I know it's gonna be hard for you but you got this, ok"

"Thanks, buddy" pulling him into another hug since I wanted one.


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