Chapter 4

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  Couple days later

"Ricky!" Devin bangs on my door for the sixth fucking time.

I groan putting the blanket over my head "go away! I told you that I don't wanna talk"

When I found Devin in the club, I broke down crying wanting to go home, Devin took me home immediately. Part of me feels so guilty for killing that guy but another part of me feels happy that I did what I did. People like that don't deserve to live. They don't need the air that we breathe in.. They don't need to live a happy life while us victims get so scared of when our abusers are gonna come home and beat us to death.

"Ricky. I'm not leaving until you open this goddamn door!" he barks 

I whine getting up putting the blanket around my tiny frame. I open the door. Seeing my friend with a concerned look on his face.

"Finally so are you going to tell me what the fuck happened at the club?" he demands 

I groan "I told you nothing happened" lie

Devin crosses his arms giving me the mom look, you know the look you're parents give you when you're lying.

"So nothing happened at all?" he says still not believing me. I was not gonna tell Devin what happened I can't. This secret stays between me, myself and I.

"Yes nothing happened I left with the guy but nothing happened, we just talked"

Devin rolls his eyes "so why were you crying if nothing happened" putting air quotes, mocking my voice.

Shit, Ricky! He's catching on to your lie! Say something quick! Shut up, shut up! I know what the fuck I'm saying.

"I was scared, I was getting comfortable with this boy and I didn't want that, so I had a panic attack and left crying" wow Ricky good job! Look at you, saying you hate liars but yet here you are lying to your best friend.

Devin sighs putting his hands out waiting for a hug.

I put my hands around his waist while he strokes my back.

"Are you ok though?" he whispers

I pause for a second, I'm I really ok?

I hug him tighter "yeah I'm ok" putting on a smile.



Devin and I decide to stay home and just relax. Watching tv, eating some cereal. We flick through the channels until something catches my eyes.

"Wait Dev go back," I say quickly

 he goes back to the channel 

The reporter speaks

"Right here in Scranton Pa there has been a horrifying murder behind this bar 21-year-old Austin Jone was choked to death inside his car. Police say that Austin's friend noticed that he was gone for two hours and never entered the club again. Police are trying to figure out who must have done this horrible crime"

As she continued to talk. I look at the tv in aww. I killed that man and in the pit of my stomach. I don't feel bad for what I have done. I wanted to smile and laugh but Devin will look at me crazy so I sat there pretending to be in shock. They showed a picture of how I left his neck. My handprints were there. His neck all purple, his skin so pale and his eyes closed. Wow, I left art. That right there is art.

"People are disgusting" Devin says his face all scrunch up

"Yeah people truly are" I say letting the smile out.


Hello everyone! I'm back! Short chapter but i hope guys enjoy! 

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