Chapter 2

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"Jesus Christ are you ready!" Devin says yelling at me for the fifth fucking time

"Shut up I'm almost ready!" I say yelling at him back. It takes me awhile to get ready since I don't know what to wear. I check myself for the sixth fucking time. I don't know what to do maybe I shouldn't go, I can't do this

"Hey are you almost don- why are you crying, Rick?" Devin questions 

"Huh no I'm not crying" wiping away my tears quickly

"Aw babe it's ok'' he says standing behind me turning me around putting his hands on my shoulders "calm down okay?"

I nod my head putting my hands on my face covering up my embarrassment

"Hey, hey honey don't be embarrassed to talk to me about stuff like this" he says

I laugh "stop I'm fine" taking his hands off my shoulders so I can finish getting ready,

"You know Ricky if this is too much, you don't have to come"

I shake my head "No it's fine I wanna come, I wanna have a fun night with my bestie" I say sweetly 

He smiles at me "ok but you know.... I haven't seen you in a dress"

My eyes go wide "um no, you know I don't do that anymore"

Devin huffs "come on you only showed me pictures, I wanna see you in a dress please!" he whines at me like some little kid wanting a candy so bad

"No and that's final" I say losing my patience

He shrugs turning around walking away "Well looks like we aren't going out then"

I groan "ok fine you fucking dick, pick out a dress for me to wear and no slutty outfits. I want to dress classy not trying to look like a hooker"

Devin chuckles "no I promise you, you're gonna look so good babe" he squeals running to his room getting the outfits

What the fuck have I gotten myself into


"Oh my god Ricky, you look so good!" he states 

I look at myself, I don't look bad, I feel for the first time kinda cute, I guess I can say. I mean the dress doesn't look bad on me. I was wearing a bodycon dress with the cutest black high heels. Devin did my makeup, wow I look decent for once in my life.

"Alright buddy I think I'm ready" I say biting my bottom lip

"Ricky breathe, you're gonna be fine remember I promise you," he says 

I nod my head "you're right you and I are gonna have a good time tonight"

Devin puts his thumbs up "that's the spirit, now let's go" grabbing my hand leading us out the door.


(time skip to the club)

Devin and I enter the club, seeing so many bodies dancing, grinding on each other. Wow, I forgot how much I miss going out to the club. When I was with him we wouldn't go out often, well kinda true, I wasn't allowed to go out, he would lock me up in his apartment, he would go out every night while I stayed home cleaning and cooking for him. Maybe once a week he would let me out the apartment but I couldn't go out by myself he would be there every move I made he would follow. I was a dog and he was the owner took full control of me.

"Rick dick are you there" Devin says snapping his fingers in my face.

I blink "what?"

"I asked you if you want a drink" (yes in my story they drink)

"Um yeah sure why not" I say giving him an awkward smile

Devin raised his eyebrows "uh ok let's go" grabbing my hand leading us to the bar stand, we take a sit on the bar stools

"What can I get you ladies," the bartender says

Devin rolls his eyes "hahaha Tj you're so funny"

The bartender Tj laughs making me turn red putting my head down

"Two cocktails please," Devin says

"coming right up'' he says giving me a smile which made me blush just a little bit

"so Rick what do you think?" Devin asks 

I think about it for a minute, turning my head to see all these people having fun "I mean it's alright"

Tj comes towards us, handing us our drinks

"Well, Rick it's not gonna be just alright, you and I are gonna get drunk outta our minds so here you go and drink up bitch". I take my drink and take a sip while Devin swallows his down so quick

Fuck it tonight is supposed to be a good night, so having one drink won't kill me

(1 hour later)

Remember when I said one drink won't kill me...... well you see for the past one hour I had about six drinks wow, Devin had more than me. We were on the dance floor shaking our butts off, dancing on each other, the music blasting so loud, my hair so sweaty, my makeup wearing off. I was having so much fun finally for once in my life I was having an amazing night. I was swinging my hips back and forth not caring if the dress went up.

Devin pokes me "looks like you have someone watching you," he says, I turn around noticing the brunette boy watching me biting his bottom lip his eyes full of lust.

Why not have some fun with this guy, I think it's the alcohol giving me confidence in my old self.

I flip my hair shaking my butt, keeping my eyes on him while he looks at my ass as soon as he looks at my face, I mouth to him ''come over here"

He listens, coming to me like a puppy.

"Hello there," he says in my ear since the music is so loud.

I smile at him not saying anything, putting my hands on his shoulders while he puts his hands on my hips.

I look at Devin he's dancing with some other guy but he watches us "you're doing good" he mouth at me

I continue to dance on the guy, grinding on him, he grabs my ass giving it a tight squeeze. I let out a small moan, he tilts my head up, we lock eyes his face moving closer to mine and bam we kiss. It's a nice kiss not rough, a soft and gentle kiss, he pulls away giving me a smirk. I want more of his soft lips. I pull him by his shirt smashing his lips on mine. The kiss turning into a makeout session on the dance floor not caring if people look at me. I pull away I whisper in his ear "wanna go somewhere private sir?"

"Lead the way sexy" he replied back

I look over at Devin but he doesn't pay attention to me, he's drinking and having a good time.

"Alright let's go! I exclaimed

A/N Alright so I'm back Yayyy. I know nobody misses me which is fine! A lot of shit has happened while I was gone but you know I'm back to finish this story so I hope you guys enjoy this shit chapter!

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