Chapter 11

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(Ricky pov)

(later on that day)

I was chilling in the couch watching Dexter on tv, what a handsome man he was. Fuck!

Devin enters the living room with just a crop top and some booty shorts.

"Wow don't you look pretty" I smirk

He twirls "oh Ricky stop" he gushes putting his hands under his chin

I throw a pillow at him "stop" I chuckle

He smiles taking a seat next to me

It was quiet for a couple of minutes until Devin speaks

"So um where'd you go yesterday night?" he questions 

My heart stopped everything stopped. I felt like time stopped and I was frozen. Devin was passed asleep how did he know?!?!

Alright, Ricky stay calm, you got this! Devin is your best friend, whatever you say he will believe.

"Umm, what?" I say confused

"I heard the front door closed twice and also did you have someone over here because I heard you talking to someone," he said

Oh my god, Ricky, he knows, you fucking idiot, you've been caught! I told you to come clean and you didn't!

Shut up! Ricky, you got this! Lie!

"I think you're hearing stuff cause I was sleeping the whole time," I say

He puts his hand on top of mine.

"Ricky you're my best friend and you can tell me anything ok?"

I nod my head and smile "I know Devin, I won't ever lie to you" squeezing his hand

Lies Devin, I'm always gonna lie to you buddy. That's just the way it is now.


(Marilyn pov)

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Elder. I'm agent Manson" I say to these parents who found out that their only child has been murdered. I take a seat across from them. Taking out the files and spreading them across the table.

"I know this is hard at the moment and I understand that, so this is gonna be quick and then I can let you guys leave ok?" making sure they understand how this was gonna work.

They nod their heads. Mr. Elder had his arms around his wife while she was sobbing quietly.

Mr. Elder clears his throat and begins to speak

"I want that son of bitch capture, you understand me," he says sternly his hands shaking in anger.

I nod "yes sir I understand but we need more evidence about your son's killer" I reply

"Ok so ask your questions" he responded

"Ok so from what we have right now is that the killer is male his height is around 5'6 or 5'7," I say

"Nice to know his fucking height," he says sarcastically

"So I'm gonna show you pictures now, is that ok?" I ask

They both nod their heads and I take out the photos of his dead body. Once they look at it, their faces turned green.

"Excuse me" Mrs. Elder whispers running out of the room covering her mouth. Mr.Elder runs out as well.

I sigh, we are going nowhere in this case! The killer is not gonna stop, he already killed two victims! This has to come to an end.

"Woah they sure did run outta here quick"

My skin starts to crawl, I know that damn voice, I turn to face him and it's Ryan...... Maria's boyfriend I guess I can say

He smirks "well hello to you too Manson" crossing his arms

"Hello" I muttered walking past him not wanting to be in the same room as him. Who the fuck does he think he is? I quickly get him off my mind

"Agent Manson," Ash says quickly running to my side

"Yes?" I say annoyed that everyone wants to bother me!

"So Vinny ran some test but nothing sir. No fingerprints of the killer being there" she explains

"Well tell Vinny that he and I are going to see the body again right now," I say

"Yes sir" running off

I make my way to my desk taking a seat. Ugh, why does this case have to be so damn difficult!

I run my fingers through my hair and look at the photos of the two victims, they both have a letter on their cheek. A "c" and an "h" on the other. What does that mean? That has to mean something right? The killer has a fun way of killing his victims? But the question is why is he killing his victims with a mark on them? Maybe he's leaving us clues? Maybe he wants to be captured? Ughhh I don't know what to think at the moment? Everything is going in circles.

"Agent Manson can I have a word with you in my office" Maria insist of me

I groan "I'm really busy so maybe later"

"Agent I'm not gonna repeat myself again," she says walking into her office room

Fuck! I don't know why she sounds mad at me when she was the one who fucked up first!

I get up heading to the office, closing the door and making sure the blinds are closed

Her arms were crossed waiting for me to talk

"What do you want?" I say

"Why are you ignoring me?" her face showed hurt

I roll my eyes not wanting to talk about this, this is business! This isn't a professional talk to have at work.

"Detective Brink this isn't an appropriate conversion to have at work so now may you excuse me I have work to do and so do you" walking out the room leaving her stunned with how cold I was being. I'm doing the right thing keeping my distance.


(A/N) Hello Everyone! Shit chapter I know but next chapter is gonna be better I hope! I don't know since I write all my ideas for the next chapters on my notebook so I will see what I come up with but for now, you get this chapter! I'll try to see if I can update later on! No promises but I will try. 

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