Chapter 23

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Ash's Pov

I walk back to my hotel room, of course, I was minding my own business when someone quickly grabs my hand pulling me aside.

"What the hell Maria," I say to women giving me the look of pure hatred

"You said something to him, didn't you" she ask aggressively

I smirk "I have no idea what you're talking about"

She lets go of my hand "cut that shit Ash, you said something to him! I know you did! He and I were fine before we got here and I saw you this morning go to his hotel room"

I scoff "so what! You lost him, Maria, you know that! You can never have him!"

Maria backs away "you're an evil bitch you know that," she says walking away

I smile to myself, an evil bitch getting ready to take what was yours. Vinny walks to me, I roll my eyes getting ready to reject him again.

"What do you want" I snap at him

Vinny smiles, like always. I don't date little boys, I date grown men, men like Marilyn

"I just wanted to um... talk, yeah that's right talk to you" he stumbles his words together 

"Well save your breath, I don't wanna talk to you, I have a date tonight," I say

Vinny goes blue to the face "wh-who"

"Marilyn," I say, leaving him there going to my room.


I check my phone, it was already 7:00 PM, time to get ready. My plan was to go to his hotel and invite him for a drink which he will accept then after that, we will come back drunk which will lead to us making love to each other, he's my soulmate I know he is.

I scroll through my phone seeing which bar is close to us, god just thinking about him makes me blush. I love his smile, his voice, the way he looks in those black suites, god I love him so much.

There was a knock on the door, I roll my eyes, I bet it's Vinny again. I get off the bed going to the door, I open it but no one was there, I was about to close the door when I noticed the bouquet of roses on the floor, I pick it up looking both ways of the hall, no one. Vinny, he must have sent these roses here! God he never stops! I throw them across the room, when I do, I notice a note hitting the floor as well. I raise a brow, what the hell? I pick up the note

Meet me at the bar couple blocks away from here, it's called the Chandelier. Can't wait to see you. Sorry for being such a prick. See you there, Marilyn.

His name written across the bottom of the note, my face was heating up, oh my god he wrote me a note! I held the note to my chest, wow he felt the same way! I knew he did! Fuck you, Maria! I will always win! I check my phone again it was almost time to meet him there. I quickly take the black dress out and do my makeup, before I know it, I'm leaving the building waiting for my prince charming.


Marilyn's Pov

I was flicking through the channels waiting for the room service to come, I was starving! Vinny didn't answer my calls, I'm guessing he's tired, hell I'm tired too! That shit was boring.  Never again! I hear a knock on the door, ah finally! Ready to fucking eat! I head to the door, opening it seeing Maria standing there, her eyes were bloodshot red, we both stare at each other, what was she doing here? Neither of us dares to make a move, she finally walks in, I sigh shutting the door.

"Why do you always do this?" she whimpers looking away from me

I was confused, do what?

I sigh "what do you want now Maria"

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