Chapter 31 The End

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(A/N) so this part of the chapter is written in 3rd person!

Rebecca was sent home early from work today. Her boss told her that the killer was supposedly here in Pittsburgh, she rushed into her car taking out her phone. She called the nanny who was taking care of her 1-year-old son. No one was picking up the phone, she called again and again but no one. Now she was beginning to panic, why wasn't Sierra picking up the phone, she decides to leave a voicemail

"Hey Sierra so you aren't picking up your phone which is weird since you always do, anyways I'm calling you because my boss let me out early so I'll be home in ten minutes" she says in the voice mail "and make sure you give Christopher his bath ok thank you bye" hanging up the phone, Rebecca didn't want to worry but she felt as if something was wrong.

You're just thinking too much" her conscious told her

She drives home blasting music through the speakers.


Rebecca parks her car, she lets out a deep sigh, she was happy to be home, she gets out of her car opening the door to go inside.

"Sierra" she calls out but she doesn't get a response

"Sierra are you there" she calls out again

Rebecca goes to her kitchen where she covers her mouth letting out a scream. Her nanny was sitting on a chair her head was tilted back but Rebecca saw the blood leaking down to the floor.

"Sierra" she cries out running to her nanny, Sierra's eyes were wide open, she has bruises on her cheeks and arms, it looks like she was putting up a fight.

Rebecca begins to run upstairs "Christopher" she screams heading to her son's room.

Rebecca opens the door where she sees her son playing with his toys

"Oh my god Christopher baby" she sighs in relief going to her son, she bends down but when she does, she hears a click of a gun.

"Back away from him," someone threatens her.


Ricky's Pov

I point the gun at her, I was now looking at the women who was sleeping around with my boyfriend!

Her brown eyes go wide she backs away from the boy.

"Now I want you to sit on that chair and don't say anything" I warn her 

She stays quiet, good I don't want to hear her voice right now.

"Now I'm gonna tie you up," I say grabbing the rope "please don't fight with me or you will end up like your nanny," I say putting the rope tightly around her. Once I'm done I look directly in her face, she was crying quietly.

I scoff "oh honey please let's not do that" bending down to pick up the baby

"Please don't hurt him" she begs, trying to untie herself

I point the gun at her "relax" putting the baby on my hip, he was really quiet. He looks exactly like his father.

"What do you want?" she cries "if you want money I'll give you whatever you want," she says

I laugh, money? Does she think I want her fucking money? As if that will help the pain she caused me. 

I sit on the floor putting the baby on my lap from what I found out today is when you want him to keep quiet, let him play with his favorite toys. 

"Do you know me?" I ask while petting the boy's hair

She shakes her head "no" she whispers

"So he never brought up my name?" I ask her

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