Chapter 20

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Ricky's Pov

"Wake your ass up," Devin says

"No" I whine

"I'm gonna keep hitting you" he threatens

Smack, Smack, Smack, Smack

"Alright I'm up," I say getting up

"Good choice, now get ready we are going out to eat with the fam," he says picking out an outfit to wear. I look at my phone, it was only 8 o'clock, ugh why this early? It's ridiculous. I decide to not whine, I get up and head to the bathroom where I do my business, taking a quick shower. Once I'm done, I change into my usual outfit, black jeans, black shirt, black sweater, my black vans, and my black beanie.

Devin looks at me, shaking his head

"We need to get you a new look," he says

I raise a brow "do you not like what I'm wearing?"

"Yes I do but you need a new look, we are going shopping later on," he says excitedly

"Whatever" I mutter waiting for him to be done with his makeup

"Do you want some black eyeshadow?" he asks

I question it, I do look like shit maybe some makeup can brighten up my mood.

"Yeah put a little bit on me please," I say

Devin smiles "well come over"

I walk towards him, he puts the small brush on the black powder, working on my face,

"Done," he says

I open my eyes and look at myself, I don't look too bad.


"No problem babe, now can you do me a favor and go get my siblings, they are two doors away from us," he says

"Yeah sure," I say heading out the door. When I open the door someone across from me opens their door as well, my eye catches on who it is, what the fuck is this? Manson was here?!?! He doesn't notice me but I sure as hell did. What the fuck?! I couldn't help but stare at him, he was cute I wasn't going to lie, he walks down the hall.

"Marilyn," someone says walking behind him,

Oh so his name is Marilyn, well isn't this nice. I now know his name

The boy calling Marilyn walks to him having the biggest smile on his face

You're gonna have fun with... Marilyn, I see

"Yes, yes I am"


Marilyn's Pov

I woke up this morning with Vinny blowing up my phone with text messages saying he was hungry and wanted us to go eat. I was a bit hungry so why not. I haven't spoken to Maria in three days since the conversation in her office, I was a bit annoyed with her keeping her distance but whatever. I came here to a press event. I have two things in my mind, the fucking killer, that son of a bitch, I feel like he knows me, he's leaving signs for us... for me. I feel as he's trying to be found. I will find him and I will bring him down. This case will be pure justice.

Vinny and I were sitting in a diner, I was deep in my thoughts, I don't think Vinny can tell, he kept on talking which was good for me.

"So then I told her, let me take you out but she said no cause I'm not mature enough, I was like bitch what? I am mature!" he purred

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