Chapter 16

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Ricky's Pov

We dance under the moonlight, it was a beautiful night his arms around my waist and mine on his shoulders, this was our third date. I was beyond happy, I was happy because I think I found the one, he was the one. I knew since day one that I want to spend the rest of my life with him. The way he holds me and cares for me. It's everything I could ask for! Not everyone can find themselves the perfect men but I know I did.

"You ok," he asks me concern in his voice

I smile a truly happy smile "I'm more than ok. I'm fucking happy with you"

He gives me a stern look which means he wants me to watch my language

I blush "sorry baby"

He smiles "it's ok sweetie"

He gently grabs my face with both of his hands and looks directly in my eyes

"I love you, Ricky, you make me happy and complete and I promise that I will never hurt you. I will love you forever and always"

He pulls me closer to him and presses our lips together

I groan waking up from my nap on the comfortable side of the couch. I wipe the tears away quickly and get off the couch. I haven't had those nice dreams about him... in such a long time. Those dreams rarely happen but when they do, I get emotional that someone who swore they loved me... lied! Straight to my face! It was all a lie!

What did you suspect? You thought he really loved you!

Yes, I thought he did! That's what he said to me!

Oh, don't be a little bitch! What did you want from him? He was just like the rest! Never loved you! Never cared for me! You were just somebody that he used to fuck and that's it! Nothing else

I pull my hair "No shut up! He did love me! I know he did! I was his forever!


The voice was getting louder "shut up" I scream. I throw myself on the ground gripping my hair so tight. "Stop fucking laughing at me!" I scream. It was getting louder and louder, the whole room was spinning. I close my eyes and breathe in and out. "I said fucking stop!" I yell and jump up. The room stopped spinning. The voice stopped laughing. I was fine. Everything was quiet, I grab my phone it was only 8:30 PM. I huff and go to the kitchen getting myself a snack. My phone starts ringing I pick up

"Hello," I say

"Oliver!" Angelo squeals

I flinch away from the phone, ughh what does he want! I put the phone back to my ear

"Angelo hey! Now want do you want?" I ask annoyed

"Aw did I wake the baby from a nap" he teases 

I roll my eyes and wipe the saliva from the corner of my mouth "yes actually"

"Well sweetie get your ass up and come down here!" he insists 

"Why," I question

"Because it's sad to see one of my friends staying in on a Saturday night and besides on some Saturday nights, Mr. Davis likes us to wear a mask, I made you one! So come" he replied

I like to be alone! Less annoying people bothering the fuck out of me! Being alone isn't a bad thing but the thought of seeing people and them staring at me makes me uncomfortable but at the same time... Wearing a mask does not seem like a bad idea.

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