5: Patti Foster

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Mark's eyes were watching me closely, the words still stuck in my throat. I started to cough trying to get the words out. I felt like an idiot, spirits were still staring at me, even more had appeared. I tried to calm down.

"U-uhh.." My voice shook, I felt my body heat up and I stared at the IV in my hand, "I-uhh.. well.."

I heard Mark sigh, he probably thought I'm weird. Maybe he even eye rolled, "Why can't you tell me I told you.. about.." He sighed again. "You know what forget it"

With that he stood up, his footsteps were traveling to the door. "I see spirits" I spat out, looking up confused and searching for acceptance in Mark's eyes.

Mark turned around, looking confused at me "You see spirits.. as in ghosts?" An look I couldn't really figure out what it was entered his eyes.

"Y-Yeah.. Adrian Harvey, I see him, H-He talks to m-me, s-scolds at y-you fo-for be-ing the one o-of t-the j-jocks" l tried catched my ragging breath, my eyes stinging of tears. "T-That's why I'm always talking to thin air and stuff.." I mumbled, feeling a trail of warm water leave my eyes.

"That makes some sense I guess.." Mark mumbled after a while. I felt a hand on my ice cold arm, I closed my eyes ready to faint as the warmth came through my skin, I slowly looked up. It was Mark's hand on my arm not the one of a spirit, he smiled a bit confused, not really knowing what to do.

I took a shaky breath, "Don't cry.." Mark brought out awkwardly while rubbing the back of his neck. "I-uhh won't tell anyone.. but you know I am a skeptic so.. can you prove it?"

I tried to relax as I twirled my fingers around, how do you prove such thing? I can't call Cindy over nor did I want any of these flashbacks from the spirits in my room. "U-uhh.." my voice kept shaking. "There are around twenty spirits in the room.."

Mark looked at me "You just see them?" pulling up his eyebrow. I gave a quick nod "I see them as people.. w-with the scares from how they died.. and if they touch me.. u-uhh I faint and relive their last moments, that's why I'm always screaming, fainting and acting possesed I guess." I talked really fast at the end, getting all the emberassing details out.

I felt my cheeks heat, I was still as pale as first. "The wounds on my back are from the ghost--Demon-- that made you faint after draining your energy."

Mark's eyes widened "A demon made me faint?" He looked at me with the well known 'what the fuck' look, a look he always gave me when I was acting weird.

I felt my shaking get worse, tears started to sting again "I feel so stupid, I'm so ashamed I really can't help it I see these stupid not a peace souls." I felt a soft squeeze in my arm and Mark's eyes on my face asking attention, I slowly looked at his eyes. An apologetic look was in them, something had changed in his behaviour.

"Don't be" his voice was soothing, the tension calmed down a bit. "You have nothing to apologize for, I'm gonna help you and I'm really sorry for being such a dick.. I really didn't know."

"If I had known it was a spirit I wouldn't have taken you here" He let out a snigger, "How long is it gonna take to heal up"

"A while, until his attachment is over.. it depends--" I was cut of by a little boy spirit, glas was sticking out of his chest and his eye was bleeding.

I stared at the boy, his power was intense, "Help me! I want my mommy!" the little boy whimpered, trying to grab my arm. I quickly pulled my arm away, "Don't do that!"

"Don't do what?" Mark's voice sounded from behind me.

My cheeks heated, "Th-There is this little kid next to my bed, H-he's around 7 years old I guess and he's bleeding from his eye and there is this huge as piece of glass in his chest. He's trying to touch me.. so I relive his last moments.."

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