22: Reality

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The game had finished, we had won! The team was lifting me up and cheering. I was proudly waiting for Ethan to run down the field and hug me, even kiss me.

But instead I got a female voice screaming my name and the white haired boy, sat eerily still at the corner of his bench, the colors of the sunset reflecting in his beautiful eyes as he gave me a small smile and wave.

"Markie!" April yelled while jumping me, "You were amazing!" She breathed and started kissing me.

"You can say that" Chandler added, as he slapped my shoulder. "He did amazing"

Another voice sounded from behind us "Come on grandpa's we're gonna celebrate this!"

"No, I'll think I'll pas I've to take care of my nose, it still hurts like hell" I said, trying to get out of this situation so I could celebrate with Ethan and meet Cindy and Adrian properly.

"I'll come with you" April said.

"No it's fine I swear, I'll join the party when I'm finished okay. You can go already, Erica and Jenna are waiting" I answered stubbornly with a bittersweet smile.

"But Mark--" April said, a sad pout in her voice.

"No, don't but me, it's okay" I said.

She sighed, "okay" she said as she turned around and joined her cheer-squad again.

Ethan was still on the bleachers, I walked towards the dressing rooms. Chandler close by following me, I had to somehow lose him.

I marched to the sinks and started to inspect my nose in the mirrors as all my team mates started to get into the showers, I was cleaning up the blood.

Chandler stood behind me, holding a close eye on me since he didn't trust me anymore after my "weird behaviour and sneaking around"

"It doesn't look broken" Chandler exclaimed after a while, "it has stopped bleeding and it isn't swollen."

I nodded, "yeah indeed, it hurts tho"

Chandler nodded, "it always does" he slapped my shoulder and pulled me toward the showers. "Come on, I want to party loser"

I chuckled, "Yeah, yeah, I know" I said as I followed his lead. I grabbed my towell and went into one of the showers stalls.

I quickly showered and dried myself off, I had only one thing on my mind right now an that was Ethan and this was the perfect time to sneak out.

I quickly put my clothes back on and grabbed my stuff, looking around of no one would notice my disappearance.

I figured not, Chandler wasn't back yet. And with that I sneaked out, I ran out the hallway and out of the doors, when I reached the field I came to an halt. The white haired boy was grabbing his stuff, ready to go home. He probably got cold since fixing my nose took some time.

I walked over the field, towards the bleachers. "Are you going home?" I pouted.

"I was planning on, since you took some time" Ethan answered without looking at me. After that he put his stuff down and turned around, "You were amazing Mark, the opponents couldn't do anything to stop you" He smiled with a impressed smile and I pulled him closer and started to hug him.

"You were the cause you know that right" I kissed the top of his head and pulled his chin up. I looked into his blue eyes, they were sparkling, a blush started to show on his cheeks.

I slowly pressed my lips against his, while stroking his hair. It was all I had wanted since the start of the game.

I slowly opened my eyes as the kiss broke, his eyes lit even more up than before, he was so gorgeous. His eyes were still full of secrets but some of those I now understood.

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