2: Adrian Harvey

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"Ethan, there you are!" Noah came running my way. "You know what hap--", Noah stopped talking as he got hit the cold air and goose bumps.

He looked at me, "Shit Ethan, how many do you have you with you? It's freezing around you"

I looked around me, "Only two.. now three; Cindy because it's the 28th and David is probably gonna show up, a random dude who doesn't talk is following me and Adrian just joined"

Adrian Harvey was a 15 year old student, that after massive bullying by the football team and cheerleading squad for his crush on Jenna the cheerleading captain. He one night jumped off the roof from the school, not dying right away, he layed there in agonizing pain untill a teacher found him.

In the hospital he passed away..

A chill went down my spine, Adrian had me let me feel the pain he was in. People thought I was possessed because I was screaming in agonizing pain, which I in a twisted way was.

But why does Adrian not haunt the hospital, that's the spot he passed away? Ghosts stick around the places where the biggest impact was before they die.

Sadly it was school for Adrian, or maybe it was for the better I mean when people pick on kids Adrian shows up with some ghost activity like slamming doors, flickering light, flying books and they're all running away.

To be honest Adrian has gotten pretty good in it over the past years. Not that it was much of a trick, Adrian just slammed the door with his hands and threw the books himself but if you can't see the dead it looks pretty terrifying.

If you can see the dead, well, it looks funny seeing a ghost trying hard slamming doors or lifting books from the table that it looks like they're floating.

I'm not talking about negative spirits or even demons, I hate those guys. Good spirits 'slash' positive energies use positive energy and will not use your energy without you giving them consent.

Demons and negative energies, they just drain your energy, they drain energie from batteries, from other ghosts. They do not give a shit if you like it, all they do is make your life horrible. They don't have to lift books themself, their energy will do it for them.

I stay away from them as far as possible.

"Hi Noah!" Cindy said happily ripping me from my thoughts.

"Cin says hi Noah" I messaged to Noah, I should getting paid for playing message man.

"You zoned out for quite a while there" Adrian said while checking out Cindy.

"Adrian stop checking out Cindy she's too old for you." I grumbled.

"She doesn't look too old.." Adrian looked at me confused.

Cindy jumped in, "I'm 19 plus I'm dead over a 100 years." She giggled.

That's where the conversation between Adrian and Cindy took off, maybe the weirdest part is I have more non-breathing friends than I have breathing friends.

The other weird guy had dissappeared luckily, honestly I hated when spirits just decided to show up, not introduce themself and just stick around me.

Noah took my wrist, "Dude we really need to get going to class, god you are freezing, you literally feel dead.. and also ew Adrian for checking Cindy out"

"Ugh she's just pretty! Geez you can't even see me" I heard a voice from behind me.

"Adrian does not agree with you Noah, because you can't see him" I grinned.

"No I can't see him but I can hear him through your conversations with him" He looked behind me, complete the wrong direction from where Adrian was standing, also Cindy was not standing there.

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