12: Chaotic

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There Ethan sat on the floor looking down, his face blank of emotions. My marathon trophee half on his lap, his white hair started to get sticky and red.

I was frozen.

The thud of when he hit the desk, the clang when the trophee hit him and the soft groan that left his lips replaying in my head. Why did I do this? Well I knew why I did this.. but it didn't add up.

It didn't make any sense.. I mean--

A sob slowly cracked through my pondering, the fragile boy that sat against my desk was crying. His cheeks were wet and his eyes still trained on the ground. I wanted to cuddle him, he didn't look good, he looked awful.

"Whitey.. you're bleeding" My voice came out of me as a whisper.

I slowly stepped towards him, wanting to make him feel beter. But I couldn't just do that after my outburst, I carefully grabbed the trophee from his lap and used the opportunity to look at the wound on his head. The sharp edge had hit him making a deep cut, he probably needed stitches.

I needed to get my mom to look at it, she always knows what to do. I put the trophee back in place and opened my mouth to say something but I just couldn't do it, Ethan looked so hurt and broken. I slowly made my way out of my room and walked in fast pace to my mothers office.

"Mom!" I stepped in the room before knocking and my anxiety finally catched up with me, reality hitting me hard with what I had done. "Mom! Ethan! H-he- My trophee fell on his head, he looks awful. It's my fault!" My eyes started burning from all the emotions I was experiencing.

"Mark calm down." My mother said calmly to me "Rephrase that" she looked over the edge of her glasses and closed the laptop she was working on.

"Ethan, he--" I stopped talking after I heard footsteps rushing by. I turned around so fast I almost snapped my neck, Ethan was nearing the stairs while he was running, tears still leaking from his eyes.

"Ethan?! What the fuck are you doing?!" I couldn't believe what was happening and I panicked, trying my everything to grab the injured idiot that was now appoaching the stairs.

I finally got a hold on the edge of his shirt and tried to make him stop running but instead of him stopping he fell down the stairs, dragged me with him.

A squeak left his lips and we tumbled down the stairs, I grabbed him tightly, trying to protect him from any more blows that were coming.

When we came to an halt down the stairs, I landed on top op Ethan making him groan and a snigger left my lips, he was still okay as far as he could be okay, yeah he looked miserable and in bad shape but he was breathing and concious.

I held him tightly and put my head against his shoulder "Fucking hell" I chuckled "You're fucking insane Whitey" hugging him tightly.

His eyes opened slowly and our eyes locked. Damn I wanted to sail the seas in his eyes, find every secret that was hidden there and keep it all safe with my heart. My lips curled into a smile while my eyes where exploring the light blue pools with gold islands in his eyes.

"Mark everything alright?" The concered voice of my mother took me back to reality.

"Yeah mom completely fine, I'm okay" With that I stood up and sat down next to Ethan. "But Ethan's another story.."

"He doesn't look good" My mother said and kneeled on the other side of the injured boy with the most beautiful eyes. "He's so pale, are you okay dear?"

"He's always that pale mom, even though he even paler than normal. How's that possible" My statement drifted off into thoughts.

His eyes had control over me, I wanted to be the only one that those eyes saw, the only one that could turn that beautiful lips into a smile, if only I could touch that lips.. I wanted his lips on mine..

"Mark can you give him some company, I need to call a doctor because he looks like he's gonna faint any moment" My mothers voice made me snap back to reality, "And don't hurt him again." Her voice was stern.

I looked over at Ethan, I hurt him bad but I-I panicked, when I saw Ethan in my room I thought of him.. in not a really innocent way and I just panicked and my first defense was hurting him like I normally did. I just pushed him like he was worthless, which he wasn't at all. I liked his personality so much, it was playfull and childish, mature and serious, full of secrets that I had yet to discover.

A tiny voice broke again through my train of thought, "No, no doctor, I'm fine." It sounded so fragile, more weight fell down on me.

"Nothing to be scared of Ethan, I'm with you" I said scooting closer to him. I grabbed his hand trying to get so close to him as possible. His ice cold fingers intertwining with my warm fingers created a jolt of electric through my body.

A feeling that was new, something I never experienced before. It left me off guard.

After a few moments of silence I tried to make a joke to lighten his mood, "You're white hair makes the blood look even worse, can't you dye it black?" Nervousness breaking my voice.

"I-I can't" His voice in the normal nervous/dull tone he used often as he sneered at me. "It doesn't stick or something, I tried to dye it but when I washed it, all the black dye just washed out, my hair was still white" He sounded uninterested and sad.

My mouth started making noise before I aproved of the message but Ethan's flused and confused face was worth it. I stared in the never ending seas that where his eyes. I squeezed his hand trying to make the dark clouds in his eyes disappeared.

"I guess that's a good thing then- because the white looks cuter on you." The whisper was barely audible. Ethan's lips started to curl and his eyes lighted up. I liked seeing him happy and flustered and worst of all I didn't even lie. White looked really good on him, it made him soft and approachable.

Out of nowhere a voice appeared in front of me, leaving me panicking again.

"I forgot my jacket-- What the fuck is this Mark?!" April's face flickered with emotions; anger, confusion, sadness, jealousy and hate.

I shot up, panic taking over my body and trying to cover this intimate act. I mean I said I didn't like him and yet I'm sitting on the ground with him, stroking his hand.

"Nothing!" I blurted out, "It's not at all what you think!"

"Then what is it?" April answered bitterly, looking me in the eye with disgust.

"That freak fell before our house and you know my mom, she always need to help people, and you know freakboy always wants my company. He begged me to stay with him!" I turned to Ethan, looking angry.

Ethan scooted away from me, muttering apologies about "how he was sorry" and "he would leave me alone" the worst one was "don't hit me please" it burned in my brain, he was on the verge of tears again. It was no use, I was panicking to much under April's view. My fist connected with my jaw, it made him launched backwards.

Hitting his head another time, as if I hadn't hurt him enough. There were his tears again, leaking from his eyes. I couldn't look at him anymore, I had ruined everything. I never hated myself before, I always could find a reason to defent my choices.

But now there were non. Hate dropped down on me, tears building in my eyes.

April's hand grabbing my collar, pulling me closer and started to kiss me heavily. Pulling me backwards to the livingroom, muttering how much she loved me, I followed her steps while kissing. Never glancing back to the injured fragile boy with the undiscovered seas in his eyes.

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