16: Kitten

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Noah grabbed my hand and lead me through the crowds, to the schoolyard, up the hill under the tree in the shadow. We always ended up here when something happened, because no one came here to sit, so we could sit in silence and I could cry and calm down without anybody noticing.

He sat me down before sitting down himself. Adrian had also followed us quietly and sat down also, he floated slightly above the ground, meaning he was using alot of energy, probably because he was angry.

"Hey Eth.." Noah tried, I didn't respond, my head was far to consumed with all the thoughts. I hated myself, what was I even trying to do honestly? He was drunk when he came to my house, it was all a lie. And I fell like a rock for his fake concern, that sparkle in his eyes, his soft peachy lips.. I needed those on my right now, I needed Mark right now, he was the only one that could help me.

"Kitten" Noah whispered, he knew how to get my attention, the nickname was a last call to try and get me out of the dark space in my head, the nickname belonged to the time I almost killed myself and Noah sat next to the hospital bed when I woke up, he was crying.

"Ethan! oh god, don't scare this much ever again!" He yelled, and threw his arms around me. "I thought I had lost you!" He was still yelling, it scared me and also guilt started to rise really fast.

"No, no, no kitten don't cry, please" he instantly dropped his hard voice to a careful one. All I could bring out was "I-I-I'm s-s-sorry, the g-ghosts", it was really soft and barely audible, but he heard it anyway.

"I know you're sorry, I know the ghosts make you insane but I'm here for you, I always will, I'm gonna help you." He said in the most honest tune ever. "Please kitten don't ever scare me this much again. Please" He said while stroking my hair, he examined the bruises on my throat. "Don't ever do this again.. please kitten"

Noah almost never cried, he always was strong and always there for me. Seeing him so upset next to me--the guilt made my chest even heavier than it was. It was a selfish decision but I was desperate, ghosts were everywhere, they were following me, they were in my dreams. Noah got followed and hurt by an angry spirit and the last straw was Mark beating me up..

"Kitten, please look at me.." A soft and concerned voice broke through the movie playing in my head.

"Stop crying you idiot, you're alive!" I got a playfull push from my leftside where Noah was sitting. He sniffled, we had been crying, first it were sad tears but Noah's tears quickly turned into happy tears, because I was alive and breathing, even awake. I rubbed my eyes, trying to stop the water works. "Why did you call me a kitten?" I asked, trying to swap conversations to something light.

"Because, you look like one!" Noah chirped happy. "You have icy blue eyes, you are cautious and distant, yet very playfull and adventurous. Also you like to hide behind your appearance and I like to pet you--I don't know I just thought of it when I saw you laying there.." his voice was confused and starting to get thick again from the sadness in the room.

Two hands slowly wrapped themselves around my shaking hands, slowly looked up at Noah's eyes, his words from the hospital burned it my brain. More tears flooded over and I sobbed.

"I'm so sorry No" I said softly.

"Don't be" instantly I got a soft reply to my mumble. "I knew you were thinking about that.. It's the past kitten, you're here with me breathing and alive."

I just stayed quiet after that.

"I want to look at your jaw, it's really red" Noah annouced in the same soft tune as before. He carefully grabbed my jaw and turned my face a bit, studying the red hand mark from April.

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