Ch 3: Pt 5

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Instead of a voice a scene played out before her... It was as if she were flying above the heads of the two Pokemon before her.

Drowzee's voice was somewhat distorted, sounding as if he were speaking from across a vast valley, "If you keep being difficult, it will mean big trouble for you!"

Azurill repeated his words from earlier that day, the same gut wrenching, "H-h-h... HELP!" And then it all faded again.


Fearik and Cyndriss were no longer chatting, rather, they were watching Aura nervously, "Aura?... You looked like you were going to... To kill someone again..." Fearik murmured slowly, Aura nodded as she forced herself to relax.

'... I... I don't know...' Cyndriss stepped closer, "Did you have another flash back? Did you see something from your past?" Aura paused, 'I... I don't know... I saw something but...' Fearik smiled, "Well, tell us?" Aura shook her head, 'I don't think it was from my past... I saw Azurill and Drowzee... But they didn't recognize me...'

Fearik cocked his head to the side, "You saw Azurill... And Drowzee?" Aura nodded, 'Yea... But it was really weird.' Cyndriss raised a brow, "Weird?" Aura sighed, 'It looked and sounded like Drowzee was threatening Azurill, Marill wasn't anywhere to be seen... I have no idea what I saw...'

Fearik looked to Cyndriss frowning deeply, "This sounds... Pretty serious Aura... But if this is a flash back, would that mean that Drowzee redeemed himself?" Cyndriss took a step forward, "Drowzee seemed nice enough... But if you saw him threatening Azurill than the little guy could be in big trouble."

Fearik turned to his friend, "Wait a minute... If Aura saw something from her past, how could Azurill be in trouble?" Cyndriss paused, "I'm... Tell you what, if we ever catch wind that Drowzee is a bad Pokemon we'll go after him straight away, if not? Well..." Cyndriss trailed off.

Aura nodded slowly, Fearik sighed, "I still don't get it... But I trust you guys, if you think there may be something wrong with the guy then let's keep on the lookout for anything shady. But for now, we better get back to Bidoof." Aura and Cyndriss fell back into an easy smile as the followed after their friend.

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