Ch 7: Pt 6

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"Ok, so what's the plan?" Fearik mused lightly as the four continued to walk, Cyndriss hummed as she took out the Wonder Map, Aura looked over her shoulder as they plotted a course.

"I'd reckon we head along the coast until we reach this mountain range, we'll have to pass through a shallower section rather than trek over the entire range to reach base camp... But..."

Aura nodded slowly, 'Staying by the coat will probably mean water Pokémon.' Cyndriss nodded slowly as she rerolled the map, "I think we should be alright, we're well prepared for this Expedition." Fearik nodded.

"Yea, and Aura had us on a training schedule designed for war!" Fearik laughed, Bidoof cocked his head to the side, "By golly!? Really!?" Fearik grinned and looped an arm over Aura's shoulder.

"Yea! We got toughed up just for this! Aura wanted to make sure we were all in perfect condition just in case we were picked." Aura grinned, 'Cyndriss is right, we're well prepared and if push comes to shove there is no shame in running away.'

Cyndriss scoffed at that.

"As if you'd let anyone who hurt us live to tell the tale!"


"Wow! The sea is right up against the cliff here!" Fearik awed loudly over the roar of the waves, the four had been traveling for the better part of the day, the sun was bright, but the ocean breeze carried the cool ocean spray.

This was to be the first major dungeon the four had come across, Bidoof shuddered beside Aura, "Yup, yup! I reckon this is looking more and more like a true Expedition! The path ahead will surely get tricky, just what real explorers like to see!"

Aura smiled, 'Real explorers like us?' Bidoof looked up and smiled sheepishly, "Yup, yup! Real explores... Just like us." Cyndriss moved ahead some ways before calling back, "Hey! Guys! Check this out!"

The other three were quick to catch up with their companion, "Oh! A Kangaskhan Rock!" Bidoof chirped lightly, Fearik looked to the smaller Pokemon, "Kangaskhan Rock?"

Bidoof nodded happily, "Yup, yup! A Kangaskhan Rock is like an extension of Kangaskhan Storage, this here rock can let you store and take out items you need while out and about. It's a real handy rock... N-not that I've ever had the chance to use one that is!"

Bidoof looked away sheepishly, "I just want to say again that this here's my first Expedition! I'm feeling kind of nervous, by golly..." Fearik smiled brightly, "Hey, that goes for us too, we're all beginners at this, so let's just focus on doing our best."

Cyndriss nodded, "Yea. Here, let's look at the Wonder Map." Fearik nodded as he tugged the roll of paper out, Aura pointed to the coast, 'Were in this area. Base camp is over here and as Cyndriss said, if we travel along the coast it'll get us to this mountain range over here.'

Bidoof nodded slowly, 'I think we should be able to get to the base of the range by tonight, we can set up camp then get to base camp sometime tomorrow, is that acceptable?' Bidoof nodded, "I have no problems with that plan."

Fearik and Cyndriss grinned, "We could probably get to base camp by tonight by your standards Aura." The Riolu shrugged, 'If it were the three of us sure, I'd be disappointed if we couldn't, but Bidoof isn't up to our standards.'

The small Pokémon's ears lowered, "Oh... Oh no... I'm holding you all back ain't I?" Aura sighed, 'No, we just have a certain way of doing things, it's not your fault you're not accustomed to our style of training.'

Bidoof nodded slowly, Fearik smiled, "Don't worry about it Bidoof, were here to have fun remember?" The small normal type smiled weakly, "Right..." Cyndriss nodded, "Let's go scout ahead, see where we need to go before we head out."

Bidoof happily waddled after the fire type leaving Aura and Fearik to reorganise their equipment. "Uh-oh..." Cyndriss hummed from the mouth of the cave, Aura's ears twitches, 'Something wrong?'

Cyndriss shrugged, "The path's veer off, there are two ways to go but I'm not sure where they go." Aura frowned before standing, she walked to the mouth of the cave.

There were two paths, one leading to the north, the other west. Aura hummed as she closed her eyes, the world materialized before her in shades of blue. She sprang forwards, towards the west passage, ducking through the twists and turns only to emerge from a narrow outlet further down the coastline from where they came from.

'The west path is a back-tracking detour. We go north.' Bidoof cocked his head to the side, "How to you Reckon that?" Aura grinned.

'I'm psychic.'

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