Ch 6: Pt 16

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'You two want to go ahead and collect our rewards? I want to go check something.' Aura murmured as the three returned to Treasure Town, Fearik looked to Cyndriss, brow cocked.

"What do you plan on doing?" The Cyndaquil asked slowly, Aura grinned wryly as she puled out the Zubat fang, '... I want to send a message... There's a body accessory parlor in town, I want to see if I can get this turned into a piercing.'

Fearik and Cyndriss frowned, "Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, I know that Team Skull attacked us... But wearing one of their teeth as a trophy? That's a war proclamation Aura." Fearik whispered.

Aura grinned, 'They declared war on us the instant they stole your Relic Fragment, we'll be fine.' Her two companions looked between one another before shrugging.

"If your sure... Than alright."

She was sure.


"Aren't you a bit young to be stepping into a place like this girly~?" A rough looking Scrafty snickered from a chair, Aura glared at the orange Pokémon, 'I'm old enough to beat a thug to a bloody pulp and steal a tooth.'

The Scrafty grinned widely, "Hah. I like you girly, you got a name?" Aura crossed her arms, 'Who's asking?' The Scrafty leaned back against the chair casually, "Scrafty, call me Scrag if you want." Aura nodded.

'Riolu.' Scrafty cocked a brow, "Just Riolu? Pretty thing like don't got a real name?" Aura shrugged, 'Never seemed important.' Scrag huffed and shook his head, "A name is the most valuable thing someone can own, but if you want to stay bloody broke your entire life that ain't my issue."

Aura rolled her eyes before turning away, "Mandi is dealing with someone in the back, she'll be out in a bit, you looking for a piercing?" Scrag asked lightly, Aura shrugged as she took out the tooth.

Scrag whistled, "Not bad... I'd personally look for the match, but beggars can't be choosers." Aura grinned, 'I wish.' Scrag laughed at that. "I'd get an odd hop for it, make it look wicked cool and you, wicked sexy."

Aura rolled her eyes, 'I'll think about that.' Scrag winked, "You do that girly, and do me a favor, tell Mandibuzz that I'll pay her back next-" "Oh no you don't!" A loud voice cawed as a large bird Pokemon walked through a curtain leading to a back room.

"You told me that you'd pay me back next time you came by four visits ago!" She squawked angrily, Scrag smiled sheepishly, "Aw c'mon Mandi, you know I'm a mon of my word!"

The large bird Pokemon laughed sarcastically at that, "Your as honest as a Purlion! Just give me my money and get out! You're not welcome here until you pay your tab!"

The Scrafty rolled his eyes before reaching into the odd yellow garment he wore, he tugged out a small satchel and tossed it to the bird. She glared at him, "Was that so hard?" The Scrafty scowled before slinking out the door.

The Mandibuzz shook her head irritably, "That cheapskate..." Aura looked to the dark bird perplexed, the Mandibuzz huffed a smile, "Sorry about that, he's been coming around here forever, always after something but rarely paying for it. Anyways, what can I help you with today?" Aura smiled and held up the tooth.

'I was wondering if I could get this turned into a piercing?' The Mandibuzz hummed as she took the took, looking it over curiously, "Trophy?" Aura nodded.

"It'll cost you a bit extra in that case, but yea sure, I can make this work. Where do you want it?" Aura shrugged, 'Ear?' Mandibuzz nodded before gesturing for Aura to follow.

"Gust give me a bit to set the hoop, here, hold this up to where you want the piercing to go while I prep the tooth." Mandibuzz mused as she handed Aura a small, soaked swab reeking of soiled citrus juice.

Aura felt around her ear before pressing the swab to the outer edge of her intact ear, watching the large bird Pokemon tinker about with some wire and the tooth. Before long Mandibuzz turned back to the Riolu, "That where you want it?"

Aura nodded, 'Yea, the Scrafty said it'd look good.' Mandibuzz huffed, "For what that mon lack's in monetary honesty he makes up for in opinion, I swear he should be running this shop, he knows all the tricks to piercings." Aura cocked her head to the side, 'You know him well?' Mandibuzz shrugged.

"Well enough I suppose, not well enough to trust him with money, but he has an eye for fashion." Aura nodded and slowly lowered the swab upon Mandibuzz's order. "Alright then, this'll only hurt a bit... But seeing as you look to be well experienced with this kind of thing, this will be a quick pinch."

Aura felt nothing.

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