Ch 6: Pt 11

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Fearik awoke slowly...

There was a muffled sound just outside his peripheral that he couldn't quite pinpoint... The fading stench dulled his senses...

The small water type rubbed at his eye, clearing them of smog induced tears.

There was a limp body before him.

Fearik froze... Before sitting up as quickly as his hazy mind would allow.

"C-Cyndriss?" He asked quietly, his throat raw and burned from whatever gas he had inhaled from the attack.

Cyndriss moaned in response as she rolled over, forcing herself steadily to her knees to sit, Fearik smiled weakly as he crawled over to his friend.

"Hey... You alright?" She asked quietly, her voice hardly a hoarse whisper, Fearik slowly got to his feet, using Cyndriss' shoulder as a support beam all while swaying dangerously until he finally steadied himself. he then offered Cyndriss a hand, murmuring a low, "I'm... I don't know... Everything hurts..."

Cyndriss nodded as she got to her feet with Fearik's help, the two stood there for a while before pausing.

"Where is Aura?"

That's when they heard it...

The distant screaming.

The begging.

The pleading...

Fearik and Cyndriss turned before quickly making their way towards the screaming. They found a small clearing, small blood stains littered the surrounding rocks and trees as Aura continued to beat Zubat to the floor each time he tried to fly away.

"Aura! What are you doing?!" Fearik screamed as he ran over to his leader, the Riolu who turned to face him snarled at him threateningly, teeth bared, eyes splintered, ears back... There was blood on her teeth.

Fearik jumped back, watching helplessly as Aura held the bat Pokemon down and raised her fist. There was a sickening crunch of bone as the Riolu's fist collided with the smaller Pokémon's mouth.

Zubat screamed in pain as Aura grabbed him by the ears, shaking his head violently. A small silver fang, tinted red with blood fell to the ground. Aura grinned before roughly throwing Zubat to the ground.

The small Pokemon lay there for a moment before quickly taking to the sky and flying away, his wing grotesquely bent out of shape. Cyndriss and Fearik slowly approached the Riolu.

Aura turned to her teammates, her eyes now wide with tears as she fell to her knees.

There was a deafening silence as Fearik and Cyndriss moved to embrace their leader.

As they moved to embrace their friend...

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