Ch 20: Pt 7

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Aura toppled from the gods shoulder, dropping to the ground in an ungraceful heap, Aura moved to stand only to find herself instinctively darting to the side as the shadow of a massive foot fell over her.

Moments later, Aura regained her footing just as the god prepared another attack. A spirt of fire soared overhead, enveloping the looming dragon's thigh in blistering heat, granting Aura enough time to put some distance between herself and the battle.

A sudden tremor brought Aura to her unsteady knees as Dialga howled in pain. The sound of stone breaking rose as the floor beneath Aura's feet began to part, in fact, most of the summit appeared to be in a horrid state of disrepair.

The once seamless stone floor was chipped and cragged with fissures while the pillars standing guard of the podium held varying states of damage, some appeared in tact while other had toppled completely.

Beyond Dialga however, Aura could see Fearik quickly setting the five Time Gears into their designated slots of the podium. The instant the last Time Gear was seat a blinding light erupted from the podium.

The mythically intricate designs adorning the podium had changed. From the blistering orange of fire to the tranquil calm of the ocean sky. For a moment, all was still, neither god nor explorer moved...

And then all of Temporal Tower began to tremble.

The magnitude of the quake sent Fearik rolling down the steps of the podium and directly into a massive fissure.

For a moment Aura's heart stopped beating and without thinking she ran.

She had already lost Grovyle.

But she'd damn herself is she lost Fearik too.

Despite the unsteady rocking of the Tower and the fact that a god stood between herself and her companion, Aura ran.

Once she reached the fissure, her breath returned to her lungs, Fearik clung to the edge of the fracture, shaken yes, terrified most definitely.

But alive.

Cyndriss settled beside Aura moments later and together they hauled their friend back to not so solid ground.

Fearik looked about desperately, his voice a timid cry, "Wh-Why?!" As he looked to the Time Gears, "I put the Time Gears in place! I put them where they were supposed to go!"

The Totodile looked about the summit of Temporal Tower, fear pooling in his eyes, "Why won't these tremors stop?!" Fearik's breath began to sharpen as panic set in.

"I... I couldn't have been too late! I couldn't, right?!" The Totodile whimpered dejectedly, Cyndriss took hold of her friend's hands, "You couldn't have been too late!" Aura nodded as she moved closer to her two companions.

'This tremor started after you set the Time Gears in place...' Fearik continued to look around the summit widely, "B-But nothing's happening!" He whined loudly, "Temporal Tower is still collapsing! Faster now!"

The small water type curled into himself, "I... I was too late!" Fearik shook his head, "I was too late to... To stop the Planet's Paralysis!"

As if the heavens could hear the small water Pokemon, the sky brightened exponentially, thunder boomed, lighting fell and then...

There was nothing...

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