Ch 5: Pt 2

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"Ah, you three. You three, come here." Chatot murmured lowly once the other Guild members had parted, Aura, Fearik and Cyndriss approached carefully seeing as the speech was rather dower, they expected Chatot to be rather on edge.

"You three have become quite good at your work, you catch on very quickly and you have impressed many, myself included, with your capture of Drowzee. That was very admirable."

The three smiled brightly, "So!" Chatot began, "Today. You three will be assigned a mission worthy of a proper exploration team." Fearik's mouth fell open before he began jumping about in excitement, "R-really?!" Chatot nodded as he held out his wing, "Let me see your Wonder map?" Aura nodded before retrieving the map from the bag.

Chatot unrolled it and laid it flat, gesturing to the parchment as he spoke, "Treasure town is here. And... Over here is where we would like you to investigate." Chatot stated lightly as he pointed to a location, just East of Treasure Town.

"See? There is a waterfall flowing there. By all appearances, it's just an ordinary waterfall. But we've received intelligence that the waterfall may conceal a secret."

Chatot looked to the three Pokemon before him, "And that's where you three come in. We want you lot to investigate the waterfall and determine what's there." Aura, Fearik and Cyndriss looked between themselves, "That is all. Do you three understand what this mission entails?"

Cyndriss raised a hand, Chatot nodded. "Judging by the fact that you are asking us to investigate a waterfall... Presumably, if there is anything there, chances are there will also be water Pokemon... Right?" Chatot nodded slowly, "Presumably, if there is a new Mystery Dungeon there it will most likely contain water Pokemon yes."

Cyndriss pursed her lips but nodded. 'I have a quick question about the speech you gave us this morning.' Aura stated calmly. Chatot sighed heavily, "I would rather... Not talk about that right now..." Aura huffed, 'I just want to know-' "Aura please!" The small bird Pokémon squawked curtly.

"If this has nothing to do with your current task I wish not to hear it!" Chatot snapped irritably.

Aura frowned but made no other comment, "I'll leave you three to get ready..." Chatot muttered before turning away. Aura sighed before tuning to her two companions, '... Can either of you two tell me what a Time Gear is?' Aura asked curtly.

Fearik turned to Aura sharply, "What! You don't know what a Time Gear is?!"

Cyndriss sharply elbowed Fearik in the side, the water type looked to his fire type friend in confusion, Cyndriss gestured to her head. "Oh right... Memory loss..." Fearik mumbled sheepishly.

Cyndriss nodded before turning to Aura, "A Time Gear is... Well, exactly what it sounds like really..." The Cyndaquil shrugged, "It's a gear shaped gem that controls the flow of time in a given region. Their usually very well hidden and well protected due to the important role they play in our world."

Fearik nodded. "Yea, even the worst of the worst don't dare touch Time Gears... Until yesterday that is..." Cyndriss huffed, "According to legend, there are a total of five Time Gears on the main continent and two others elsewhere. Some of them, like the one in Treeshroud Forest are more or less hidden in plane sight, however the others are shrouded in mystery and lore, no one quite knows where they are, all we know is that they exist..." Cyndriss stated slowly.

Aura shrugged, 'Not exactly what I was looking for... But at least I got the gist of it, thanks' guys.' With that, the Riolu turned to the ladder, looking over her shoulder briefly to offer her companions a smile.

'Now come on, we got work to do.'

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