Ch 15: Pt 2

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The tower trembled as the massive creature standing atop it's feeble stature rumbled with a low growl. The large ghost Pokemon appeared dwarfed in comparison, as did his voice.

"Master Dialga... The stage has been set for the capture of the traitors. When the time comes... It may be necessary for us to beg your help, Master Dialga..."

The immense figure rumbled lowly as it's massive head nodded in agreeance. Dusknoir paused before bowing deeply.

"... As you wish... By your leave, we shall proceed."

With those words, the large creature faded into the surrounding dark.

Leaving Dusknoir alone...

Aura stood before the looming forest... Looking to each bowed branch, frozen in a sliver of time... The sky seemed darker than most places... Almost... As if a heavy fog had settled upon the woodland before it became locked in time...

"Where... Where are we?" Fearik asked slowly as he looked about. Grovyle turned to the three, "This is Dusk Forest. Its name comes from the dark haze that perpetually shrouds it..."

Grovyle turned to the wall of trees standing guard before them, "At the depths of this forest... We should find Celebi..." Fearik cocked his head to the side. "Hey, Grovyle. You mentioned the name before but... Who is Celebi?"

Grovyle grinned lightly as he looked to the small water type, "Celebi... Gee, how do I describe Celebi...?" Grovyle laughed awkwardly, "Well... Celebi is essentially... Dialga's... Child. In a way, at least." Fearik's jaw fell slack as he stared at the grass type.

Grovyle shrugged, "Celebi is another Legendary time Pokemon, except, rather than controlling and maintaining the flow of time, she travels through it." Cyndriss arched a brow, "Then... Why did you say that Dialga was her... Father?"

Grovyle scratched at the back of his head in thought, "Well... Dialga created Celebi... So, I just started calling him her father." The grass type snickered lightly, "She hates me for that." Fearik slowly closed his mouth before speaking up.

"He... Created Celebi?" Grovyle nodded, "Originally, Dialga created Celebi so he could remain at Temporal Tower in order to focus on the timeline. Since Celebi could travel through time on a whim, he would send her to sort out anomalies."

Grovyle huffed lightly, "However... The Celebi we are meeting with is the second one Dialga created..." Fearik frowned, "Second?" Grovyle nodded, "Apparently... Before Temporal Tower began collapsing, long before. There was another Celebi helping Dialga... As the tower began to collapse and Dialga began to lose his mind..."

Grovyle sighed, "More and more anomalies began to appear in the timeline, the original Celebi tried to fix the issues and Dialga attacked the original Celebi because if it, driving it away. Once he realized what he had done he immediately created another Celebi, the Celebi we came here to find."

Cyndriss frowned, "If... Why did he create a second Celebi?" Grovyle shook his head, "Not sure. May have had something to do with the frequency of anomalies..." Grovyle shrugged, "Whatever the reason, I'm glad the old clock monster did it."

Grovyle crossed his arms, "Celebi is my... Second closest friend. She may be a little odd... But she has a good heart." Grovyle turned his attention back to the looming forest before them.

"Besides, Celebi's time travel ability enables us to go to the past, we need her, one way or another." Fearik nodded slowly, "So... If we find Celebi... We can return to our world?"

Grovyle nodded, "Yes, you can go back to your own time... But..." He paused as he looked to them, "Celebi is the Pokemon who sent me to the past. Meaning that she too, has leant her hand in the altering of history..."

Aura frowned, 'So, Celebi could be in danger too...' Grovyle nodded, "That's right... Dialga has lost all reason, he sees Celebi as nothing more than a threat." Cyndriss frown, "Do... Do they know where Celebi is?"

Grovyle shrugged, "Maybe... Maybe not... Either way, time is not on our side. We should get moving as soon as we can." Fearik nodded slowly before looking to the grass type.

"Hey... If... Or when we go get back to the past. Grovyle, are you... Planning on stealing the Time Gears... Like you did before?" Grovyle crossed his arms, "Are you asking if I plan on stealing the Time Gears... Or if I plan on attacking anyone who gets in my way?"

Fearik frowned, "Both... I guess..." Grovyle nodded slowly, "Well... I'll definitely go back to 'stealing' the Time Gears as you put it... If I don't, then all our efforts will be for naught." Grovyle looked away, "However... I may not need to be so... Violent..."

Fearik nodded slowly before his gaze hardened, "Alright... But if we catch wind of you causing trouble, we'll... We'll track you down! We'll track you down and stop you!"

The grass type paused before a wry grin crept to his face, "Very well, do as you will... But keep this in mind. What's important now is getting back to your world." Grovyle turned away, "So, for the time being... Focus on getting home."

With that Grovyle turned and started off into the woods. Aura, Cyndriss and Fearik began after the grass type, Aura albeit... Slowly...

The Riolu looked to each tree... Each stone, each fallen twig or frozen leaf...

"Hey? Aura?!" Fearik called lightly from a short trek away, Aura looked to her friend, tears freely running down her cheeks as she ran to catch up, Fearik looked over his Leader worriedly. Drawing the attention of both Cyndriss and Grovyle.

Cyndriss moved to her Leader's side while Grovyle shouted an impatient, "Hey! What are you doing?!" Aura shook her head as she pushed herself passed her partners.

'I'm fine... I'm fine...'

She wasn't...

And she knew she wasn't...


Fearik and Cyndriss watched with morbid fascination as their Leader molded against the Time Gear Thief... The two just seemed to fit against one another...

Where Grovyle moved to defend, Aura instinctively dove in for the attack while the offending Pokemon was preoccupied... Each time Aura made an motion mirroring the Thief, Grovyle would pause to stare at the Riolu in sorrowed awe...

And each time the Thief's movements complimented Aura's own, the Riolu would grow quiet in thought... As if recalling a memory from the haze of her past...

Neither Fearik or Cyndriss could understand what was occurring between the two Pokemon...

And they weren't sure they wanted to...

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