Ch 8: Pt 9

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Koffing and Zubat looked to their Leader as Skuntank watched the idiotic display of childishness before him. After a short while the large Poison type moved forward, "Um... Guildmaster..."

Wigglytuff turned and smile, "Hm? What's the matter friend?" Skuntank looked to his two Team mates before speaking to the Guildmaster, "We were thinking that we should go explore as well..." A look of shock fell over the large pink Pokemon as he stumbled back.

"Oh?!" Wigglytuff shook his head feverishly, "That's all right! I can't trouble my friends like that! We'll let those three do the exploring. Let's wait here for their report!" And with that the Guildmaster returned to his cheerful singing and dancing.

Zubat fluttered closer to Skuntank, "Chief... This is getting really weird..." Koffing nodded in agreement, "Not only that but your little girlfriend and her goonies are gonna beat us to the treasure if we don't do something!" Skuntank paused in through before replying.

"We'll have to take out Wigglytuff right here, right now." Zubat frowned, "And then what?" Skuntank shifted his gaze to glare at the small flying type, "Then we go after Team Cobalt."

Koffing nodded slowly, "But do you think it'll be all right? I mean, Wigglytuff is... Creepy..." Skuntank huffed, "Don't worry about it. He's no big deal. Besides. Rumor has it that Wigglytuff, has an unbelievably precious treasure."

The other two poison types grinned wryly, "Oh, really?! Treasure?!" Zubat whispered, Skuntank nodded, "That's right. I was planning on mugging him for it anyways, so this is a good opportunity."

Koffing nodded, "Now, how are we gonna knock him out?" Skuntank grinned, "The same way we were planning on knocking out Team Cobalt." Zubat took that as his cue to move away, lest he be left behind again.

Koffing and Skuntank began to prepare their attack, all while Wigglytuff continued to sing and dance about.

Perfectly unaware of the danger behind him.

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