Ch 6: Pt 14

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The next morning was full of heated glares and sly grins thrown between Team Skull and Team Cobalt, Chatot of course noticed the tension, however more pressing matters required his attention.

"Ahem. One last item. As we all know the Expedition is quickly approaching, that being said, the list of Expedition party members will be announced within the week."

The room dissolved into a chorus of whispers.


"By golly, the members are finally going to be picked!"

"Oh my gosh! It will be so fun!"

Chatot nodded, fluttering his wings to silence the chatter, "Yes, yes. This is very exciting news. However, this also means that this week will be the last chance you have to make a good impression!" The chatter died off sharply.

Chatot nodded, "Work hard and impress us if you want to be chosen. Now, let's get down to work as usual!" The entire room erupted into a cheerful cry before the Pokemon scattered. Aura, Cyndriss and Fearik watched as Team Skull shot them blazing glares as they retreated up the ladder.

"Ah, you three." Chatot hummed as he did every day, "Take care of the jobs listed on the notice boards today, the usual." Aura smiled and moved to walk away, Cyndriss and Fearik close behind, but Chatot continued.

"One... Other thing?" Aura paused as Cyndriss and Fearik turned to look over their shoulders. Chatot stood there, avoiding eye contact with the three, "About the Expedition... I want you three to know that I mean no offence when I say this, and I by no means, mean to discourage you..."

He paused in thought as he planned out his next line carefully, "... There is a high chance that none of you will be chosen for the Expedition." His tone was soft... But absolute, not a trace of doubt in his tone.

Fearik frowned, "Why? Why would you say that?" Chatot sighed, "Your failure to retrieve any Perfect Apples yesterday weighs heavily, and the Guildmaster will remember it."

Cyndriss stepped forward, "It wasn't our fault that we were mugged!" Chatot nodded, "I know, but I am not in charge of selecting the Expedition party members, the Guildmaster is, and what goes through that Pokémon's head is beyond me."

Aura frowned as Chatot turned away, "Just... Don't get too disappointed if you aren't chosen for the Expedition." With that the small Bird Pokemon hopped off.

Aura watched with lowered ears, '... Let's get out of here guys, we have work to do.' Cyndriss and Fearik nodded slowly. As the three approached the ladder a voice called them over.

"Meh-heh-heh! Hey you three! Come here a second!" Fearik turned and cocked a brow, "Oh, it's Croagunk." Cyndriss shrugged, "Better go see what he wants."

Croagunk chuckled as the three approached, "Meh-heh-heh, hey you three, I got some news that might interest you." Fearik cocked his head to the side, "Oh?"

Croagunk gestured to the strange cauldron behind him, "I finally finished fixing my Swap Cauldron, so I can finally reopen my business again!" Croagunk cleared his throat mockingly before bowing to the three.

"Welcome to Croagunk's Swap Shop!" Cyndriss cocked her head to the side, "Swap Shop?" Croagunk nodded enthusiastically, "Yep, it's a barter and trade system, you can trade items for items. If you play your cards right, you can end up with some seriously sweet deals."

Aura nodded slowly, 'Sounds interesting... Maybe we'll see if we can get anything once we have an item to trade.' Croagunk grinned, "Sure, sure. I look forward to seeing you three, stay safe out there now."

The three smiled and nodded before turning away to continue with their daily ritual of gathering jobs.

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