Ch 20: Pt 12

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The sun was low in the sky, casting a gently cherry across the gentle cloud cover. It was cool out, not cold but cool, the ocean carried a fluttering breeze over Treasure Town.

It was peaceful...

It had been peaceful... For just over a year...

And largely... Nothing changed.

Pokemon still smiled, spoke and waltzed through their lives, happy and content... Hopeful.

It brought... Joy... Joy and contentment... A sad kind of joy, and an distasteful sort of contentment mind you, but a joy and contentment none then less to the remaining members of Team Cobalt...

They had succeeded...

They had stopped the Planets Paralysis...

But at the cost of their Leader.

Of their friend...

Aura's name would be passed down from generation to generation, first as a hero, then as a legend until finally...

As nothing more then a myth...

"We should go..." Fearik stated calmly, just before Cyndriss moved to the ladder leading to the crew rooms. The small fire type looked over her shoulder to her partner...


Was what she would have asked...

But of course, she already knew...

"Yea..." She finally breathed as she moved away from the ladder.

"Let's go..."

Without a word to any other apprentice, the two headed out. There was to be a torch burning in Aura's name within the week, both Fearik and Cyndriss were expected to speak...

Neither wanted too...

There were no tears left to shed and no words to speak...

So, Fearik and Cyndriss turned away and headed towards the Beach.

"Howdy, Fearik, Cyndriss!" The familiar voice of Bidoof called lightly from the base of the steps leading to the crossroads, Fearik and Cyndriss nodded politely to the small normal type.

"Hello Bidoof." Fearik hummed, the beaver Pokemon nodded with a smile, "You two going out?"

Cyndriss nodded, "Yes... Out for a walk..."

Bidoof smiled brightly as he turned to watch the two Pokemon pass him, "Sounds nice, yup, yup!" Fearik and Cyndriss simply nodded without directly responding to the normal type.

"It'll be dinnertime soon!" Bidoof called lightly, "Don't be out too late, ya hear?!" Cyndriss paused long enough to turn and wave.

"We know!"

And they did...

The sun hung just above the horizon, slowly seeping down as night approached. The last golden rays of light bounced and danced across the water and caught the hovering bubbles floating about the bay,

"It's beautiful..." Cyndriss murmured quietly as she looked out across the ocean. Fearik's arm reached around across her back, settling onto her opposite shoulder as he gently pulled his fire type friend to his side.

"It always is..." Cyndriss chuckled in response as she moved to lean against her friend, "It feels like... Forever since we've been like this..." Fearik nodded slowly.

"Yea... It's been a while... Hasn't it?" Cyndriss smiled and nodded as she offered a quiet, "But it's just as beautiful as ever..." Fearik sighed heavily, "I've missed this..."

Cyndriss glanced over to her friend, silently asking her companion to continue...

Fearik smiled sadly, "The last time we were here... Like this..." Fearik's voice trailed off into nothing... Cyndriss slowly took hold of her friend's hand, gently squeezing it as she picked up his words.

"It was with Aura... Wasn't it?"

Simultaneously, the two Pokemon turned to look down the coast line, towards the two... Unmistakable sea smoothed stones jutting out of the sand...

Without a word, the two began walking, hand in hand, down the shore towards the twin stones.

"I remember it like it was yesterday..." Fearik mumbled quietly, Cyndriss nodded slowly, "The sun was settling... The water was catching the rays..." Fearik huffed lightly, "The Krabby were blowing bubbles..."

Cyndriss snickered, "And you just so happened to hear something." The small fire type playfully jabbed her companion in the chest, "You must have jumped at least three feet when you saw her!"

Fearik crossed his arms, "Well who was the one who wanted to hide her body?" Cyndriss laughed at that, "Who thought she was dead?!" There was a moment of silence before both Pokemon began to laugh.

Eventually, the laughter faded, replaced by gentle sobs.

Fearik moved to stand just before the two stones.

"It was here..." He sobbed quietly, "It was right here... Where our adventure began..." Cyndriss leaned against her partner, "We owe so much to Aura... Don't we?" Fearik could only nod as countless memories, both good and bad welled to the surface.

"We were so young then... Weren't we?" Cyndriss mused quietly, "We dreamt of becoming explorers... But we weren't sure how..." Cyndriss chuckled lightly, "You were always so afraid of that damn security grate..." The fire type paused as a small smile graced her features.

"But then... Aura taught you how to be brave..." Cyndriss shook her head, "I always thought that you either had it... Or you didn't... I never..." A tear fell from the fire type's eyes, "I never thought that... You could be taught to be brave..."

Cyndriss shook her head, "I guess... Aura... Aura taught me that..." Fearik huffed, "I remember... I remember everything..." The Totodile smiled, "I don't think I'll... I'll ever forget..."

Cyndriss nodded, "We can't forget..." The Cyndaquil shook her head as more tears began to roll down her cheeks.

"We can never forget..." Cyndriss heaved a sob, "Because if we do... If we do forget... Then who will remember?" Fearik nodded, "I know..." He nodded. "I know..."

Cyndriss sighed heavily, "Aura is gone..." Fearik nodded, "She's gone..."

The two stood beside one another, looking out over the bay... Watching as the sun finally dipped below the horizon as the inky darkness of night spread across the sky.

"Fearik?! Cyndriss?!"

The two Pokemon looked down the coast as the familiar outline of Bidoof, outlined by the glowing torch made his way down the coat, "You two've been gone a mighty long while. The rest of the Guild took to worrying about you."

The normal type jabbered lightly, his voice fell short however once he saw the still falling tears staining their cheeks, "Wh-What's the matter?!"

Fearik and Cyndriss could only shake their heads.

There was nothing more to Say...

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