Ch 8: Pt 11

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The first thing Aura noticed about the dungeon was how willing the inhabitants were to battle. The Pokemon living in the dungeon were not feral, wild yes, but not feral. They never spoke, yet they communicated between themselves.

As if they were guarding something...

Still the three pushed through, the humid air within the cave clinging to their fur and scales alike. However, as the three Pokemon continued, the more aggressive the wild Pokemon became, and consequently, the more aggressive Aura became.

Neither Fearik or Cyndriss bothered to correct their Leader however. The wild Pokemon had proven time and time again that they were not interested in peaceful solutions, if they were not completely incapacitated, they would attack.

Fearik had found this out the hard way, after Aura had knocked out a Yanma, it fell into a ditch of water, and of course being a member of an Exploration team, Fearik's first instinct was to assist the fallen Pokemon.

However, the instant the bug type was pulled from the water it attempted to attack. After Cyndriss completely knock out the bug Pokemon, the three Team mates came to a silent conclusion.

Anyone who attacked...

Was not to be left standing.


'There. The waypoint is just ahead...' Aura panted lightly as she hurled a broken Kricketune towards the wall, it's body loosened some old stone before slumping to the ground in a heap, Fearik and Cyndriss stood close by, ready to strike in case the Pokemon wasn't yet done.

It remained still...

Aura sighed heavily before turning to another passage, 'Just ahead... Let's go...' Fearik and Cyndriss nodded as they followed after their Leader.

The chamber Aura called the waypoint was small, in the center sat a small Kangaskhan statue, Aura moved to the statue and slumped against the cool stone. Cyndriss and Fearik moved to look around.

"Where are we?" Fearik finally asked, Aura shook her head, 'At least halfway up... We don't have far to go, but these Pokemon are tough... Tougher than were used to...' Fearik frowned, "Do... Do you think we'll be alright?"

Aura shrugged, 'I hope so...'

An easy silence fell over the group as they set up a small camp, supplies were sorted, food was eaten and makeshift beds were made before one by one the three Pokemon fell asleep...


Aura sat bolt up in the pitch-black darkness, ears standing stock as she caught the last bellow of some beast. She stood there in silence... Waiting... Listening...

Hoping beyond hope that she had only heard the remnants of an already forgotten nightmare...

Somewhere beside her Cyndriss rose, the coals on her back flickering to life, casting the small chamber in a dull light. "Aura?" She murmured groggily, Aura raised a paw to silence her companion, straining her ears to catch another whisper of a roar.

Fearik woke soon after Cyndriss, taking a seat beside his fire type friend, watching their Leader stand at the mouth of the conjoining dungeon...

The chamber seemed to reverberate as another primal bellow emanated from somewhere far above. Aura's ears slowly lowered, Fearik stood and moved to stand beside his Leader.

"What... Was that?" His voice was slow and timid, yet his breath was rapid with exhilaration, he turned to Cyndriss, "You heard that right?" Cyndriss nodded slowly, "Yea... I heard it..."

Fearik turned to the entrance of the conjoining dungeon, "That wasn't steam... It sounded like... Like a roar? Aura, what do you think?"

The Riolu frowned before she closed her eyes and focused on the aura surrounding her, she moved through the dungeon, watching the wild Pokemon go about their lives before... Arriving...

The chamber was large... Massive...

And distorted...

Aura turned to her two companions.

'I think... We may be in for the fight of our lives...'


The three spent a good twenty minutes standing at the entrance to the upper level of the dungeon... Listening for any signs or sounds of whatever had awoken them during the night.

"... Do you think it's gone?" Fearik whispered, Aura shook her head, 'I doubt it... Whatever is causing the distortion is still there...' Cyndriss frowned as she peered into the darkness.

Before the small fire type could step through the threshold, the same booming roar raced to meet her. Cyndriss bounced back and moved to stand beside Fearik, "You guys heard that right?! I didn't imagine it right?!" Fearik and Aura nodded.

"Yeah... Yeah, we heard it..." Aura frowned deeply, 'It sounded like a roar... There's something up there... Something big, and something that probably doesn't want us here...' The small fighting type growled lowly.

Fearik swallowed thickly as he looked up, "What do you think it could be?" Aura shook her head, 'No idea... It could be Groudon for all we know...' Cyndriss frowned, "Groudon?... You mean the Legendary Pokemon?"

Aura shrugged, 'I told you, we don't know. Besides it doesn't really matter.' Fearik cocked his head to the side, "Why not?" Aura grinned, 'Because one way or another, we're getting to Fogbound Lake. And if we have to get past whatever that thing is... We're doing it.'

Cyndriss nodded slowly, "I get that we're explorers... But is discovering Fogbound Lake really worth dying?" Aura paused before turning to her companions.

'This isn't just about getting to Fogbound Lake... Not anymore...' Fearik moved beside Aura, "It's... Not?" Aura shook her head, 'You heard what Chimecho said? About the legend of Uxie?' Fearik nodded slowly.

'Don't you think it's odd... That I have no memory? And that Uxie just so happens to be a Pokemon capable of whipping memories clean?' Her two companions stiffened at that.

"You-you think that?" Aura shrugged, 'I'm not sure... But it's possible, right?' Cyndriss and Fearik exchanged glances before nodding slowly, Aura smiled slowly, 'I... I want to find Fogbound Lake, and I want to ask Uxie if I ever came here before... If he took my memories... And maybe... If he can give them back...'

Cyndriss moved to grab Aura's hand, "But it could all just be a coincidence..." Aura shook her head, 'I don't think so...' Fearik smiled, "You remember something then?" Aura paused before nodding.

'Nothing solid... Just flashes of memories sometimes and feelings of... Déjà vu... Like I've been here before...'

Fearik nodded, "Alright then... Let's get going!" Cyndriss turned to her friend and smiled, "Yea... No matter what, we'll get through this. We always do."

Aura smiled brightly before turning to the dungeon.

'Let's do this.'

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