Ch 13: Pt 6

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Chatot narrowed his eyes as Aura and Fearik emerged from the hall leading to the Medical Ward, "Where have you two been?! You missed the debriefing!" Fearik lowered his head sheepishly while Aura crossed her arms, glaring at the small bird Pokemon before replying with a curt.

'If you must know. We were off visiting Cyndriss.'

Chatot paused before turning away, "Very well... To summarize... Until everything is resolved, we are to spread the word of the Lake Guardian's plan to seal away the Time Gear while still going about our usual duties."

Aura nodded curtly, muttering a brief 'Let's go Fearik...' As she turned away, the small water type arched a brow, "Where are we going?" Aura grinned.

'The training Dojo, where else?'


"Easy now..." Marowak murmured as he held up the padded arm brace yet again, Fearik huffed before he moved to strike again. Aura watched as her companion attacked, teeth, claws and tail viciously striking the pad.

"That's enough." Marowak mused slowly as he tossed the pad to the side, Fearik slumped to the ground, "You are favoring your left foot..." The ground type murmured as he knelt down before Fearik.

Fearik nodded slowly, "Uh, yea. During our last outing... We ran into trouble..." Marowak hummed as he slowly examined the foot before him, "Yes, yes... I heard all about your run in with the Time Gear Thief. You two are lucky to be alive."

Aura nodded slowly as the Dojo Sensei stood, "Now... I fear to ask... But your fire type friend? Is she...?" Fearik shook his head, "No, Cyndriss is alright, she's in the Medical Ward at the Guild now, we're waiting for her to wake up."

Marowak smiled gently, "I am glad. Now, shall we start working on that foot of yours?"


"I don't know about this Aura..." Fearik murmured as he followed after his Team Leader, "Going on missions while Cyndriss is still out?" Aura arched a brow, 'You and Cyndriss went out while I was stuck here.'

Fearik nodded sheepishly, "Yea but..." Aura smiled and placed a paw on her water type friend's shoulder, 'If you're worried about Cyndriss relax. Chimecho is there keeping an eye on her. And if you're worried about messing up don't be!'

Fearik moved to reply however Aura cut him off, 'None of that! You are one of the strongest Pokemon I know, you won't mess up and even if you do, you'll still be my best Totodile!' Fearik paused before grinning sheepishly.

"Aura... Gee, you always know what to say..." Aura snickered at that, 'I thought I always knew what to say in the worst way possible?' Fearik laughed, "Not today... But I'm more worried about..." The small water type paused as he looked to where their fire type friend lay sleeping.

"What... What if Cyndriss wakes up... When we're not here?"

Aura smiled sadly, 'Then she better wait for us to get back before tearing off into a Dungeon.' Fearik grinned wryly before nodding.

"Alright... Let's go."


"Are you sure? I mean, I know you're all eager to begin work again, but you mustn't push yourselves!" Chatot tittered as he watched the young Riolu stroll between bulletin boards.

'I know. That's why I'm picking the easy jobs.' Chatot shook his head slowly, "Aura... You and your Team suffered great injuries. For minor cuts and bruises I'd tell Apprentices to walk it off and get back to work..." Chatot shuddered, "But you were out cold for a week! I cannot expect you to go back out onto the field so soon!"

Aura lowered her ears, 'I talked with the Dojo Sensei, he said as long as I don't push myself to hard I'll be fine. Besides... I'm not doing any bounty missions, only search and rescue, locate and deliver or escort.'

Chatot rolled his eyes, "Vey well... However, don't expect me to have any sympathy if you come back to the Guild in worse condition!" Aura rolled her eyes, 'I wasn't expecting much anyways.'

The small bird Pokemon nodded curtly before turning away.

Moments later the subtle insult caught on.

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