Ch 7: Pt 9

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'Alright, is everyone ready to move out? We have a lot of ground to cover and I want to start sooner rather than later!' Aura called from further up the trail. The first rays of light were bleeding over the horizon, casting a bloody orange hue over the mountain range while the highest peaks bathed the foothills in shadows.

Cyndriss and Fearik were quick to their feet, the well practiced system of waking early Aura had enforced on them had the two working like well motorized Magnemite in the morning. The third Pokemon groaned before rolling to his feet.

"Golly. Aura is just as bad a Loudred yup, yup." Bidoof yawned tiredly, Fearik laughed at that but did not object to the statement, "We better catch up, Aura hates waiting." Cyndriss mused lightly as she began to move up the mountain path.

Bidoof followed a bit behind Fearik, watching him warily... 'Are you alright Bidoof?' Aura asked lightly from her position at the mouth of the dungeon. Bidoof jumped at the voice before nodding curtly.

"Oh! Uh, yup, yup! All merry here!" Aura watched the small normal type for a while before turning back to the dungeon. 'Alright... But remember Bidoof, we're a team here, if there's something bugging you, you need to tell us.' Bidoof lowered his ears but remained quiet.

Aura sighed before pointing into the cavern entrance. 'We need to head North, the dungeon loops around the range before leaving us at the Eastern foothills. From there we head south to the Foggy Forest to meet up with the rest of the Guild.' Aura stated calmly.

Her three companions nodded soundly before moving to follow her into the dungeon.


The mountain range was... Surprising for a lack of better words, Aura expected the dungeon to be full of rock and ground types, however there was an overwhelming number of bug Pokemon to greet them instead.

Cyndriss was more than happy to burn the bug types to ashes while Fearik took care of the stark few rock types. Bidoof mostly hung back and watched while Aura was on the front line taking care of anything that Cyndriss and Fearik couldn't handle.

Bidoof contemplated the three Pokemon before him... Last night he had watched Aura and then Fearik eat an innocent Pokemon... As if it were second nature and not a sick heinous act...

He watched the Riolu violently dismember Pokemon along the coast and according to Fearik and Cyndriss... It wasn't the first time... Yet here she was, the feral Riolu turned Exploration Team Leader, friend, comrade, family...

Aura snarled viciously, her eyes narrowing to splinters before she raked her claws through a Venomoth's wing, the delicate membrane fell apart like silk, sending the large bug Pokemon to the ground in a disgruntled heap...

Aura stool over her prey.

Team leader or not.

Friend or not.

You could take a feral out of the wild...

But you could never take the wild out of the feral...


The foothills on the opposite side of the range were softer, more so like rolling hills than rugged coastlines. "Huff-puff, W-well I reckon we finally made it over the range." Bidoof panted lightly.

Aura looked out over the base of the mountain before turning to the south, 'Look! Over there!' She called happily, off in the distance was a large tower of thick white cloud.

"That must be the Foggy Forest." Cyndriss mused lightly, Fearik nodded in agreement, "We're pretty close, if we head off now we'll be there by dusk." Aura turned to her companions and grinned.

'Then let's get going.'

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