Ch 10: Pt 15

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Aura's ears swivelled about as she attempted to locate her two companions amidst the crowd of Pokemon wandering about the streets of Treasure Town, to the fighting types surprise, it appeared as if everyone knew about their little adventure to Amp Plains.

That being said, the Pokemon brave enough to confront the Leader of Team Cobalt, were also kind enough to direct the Riolu towards her Team. As Aura crossed over the bridge leading to the Kecleon Market, the light voice of Azurill caught her ears, drawing a smile to her lips.

"Oh, wow! We got our Water Float back!" Azurill squealed happily before turning to Cyndriss and Fearik, "Yay! Thank you! Really!" Marill nodded feverishly, "You saved Azurill way back when, and now this!" Marill quickly wiped away the tears threatening to fall.

"I don't know how we could ever repay you for this! But really... Thank you!" Fearik smiled brightly, "Oh, please! It's alright! But f you want to thank anyone, you should thank the Great Dusknoir!"

Cyndriss nodded, "Dusknoir saved our lives, we probably wouldn't be here without him." The two brothers nodded before turning to the large ghost type. "Thank you, thank you very much!" Marill chimed lightly.

Azurill nodded, "Yes! Thank you, Dusknoir Sir!" The ghost type smiled, "No trouble at all. I'm very happy for you two. It's wonderful that you were able to find your Water Float."

The two Kecleon brother happily hopped into the conversation, "I must say! It is so very like the Great Dusknoir to be so modest!" The purple brother nodded, "And I must say, Team Cobalt has also been superb in their efforts!"

The green brother nodded feverishly, "Oh of course! After all, the Team had yet again completed a rather difficult mission!" The purple brother nodded, "Oh yes! I remember! When rescuing Azurill, team Cobalt was so quick to pinpoint the exact whereabouts of that blasted Drowzee! And so quick to rescue young Azurill too!"

Fearik grinned sheepishly, "Oh yea... We remember that, don't we Cyndriss." The small fire type nodded, "Do I ever..." Fearik laughed at that, "Yea, we couldn't have done it without our Leader and her day dreams."

Dusknoir paused at that before turning to Fearik, "Excuse me? A dream, you say?... By dream, what do you mean?" Fearik turned to the large ghost Pokemon begore grinning, "Oh, that's right! Maybe you can help us with something!"

Cyndriss nodded firmly, "Our Leader can explain it way better then us... But sometimes she'll get these strange... Blackouts if you will, when she touches certain objects or Pokemon." Fearik nodded.

"Yea, and when she goes through a blackout, she'll either hear or see something from the past, or something that will take place in the future!" Dusknoir flinched at that, "What?! Well, that... That..."

The large ghost Pokemon gasped, "The Dimensional Scream!" Fearik and Cyndriss froze at that, "What?! Dusknoir Sir, you really know something about this?!" Dusknoir nodded wordlessly.

"Then we need to get to the Guild! Maybe Dusknoir can help with the memory loss!" Cyndriss questioned while glancing to Fearik. Aura quickly made her way over, 'No need, I'm right here.'

The seven Pokemon turned to her, smiling brightly before wincing upon seeing the sling, "What happened to you? Are you alright?" Marill asked nervously, Aura grinned wryly, 'Dislocated my shoulder, nothing to worry about really, I just have to take it easy for the next while.'

Dusknoir turned to Aura, "Is it true? Do you have the Dimensional Scream?" Aura paused before shrugging, 'If that's what you call it, then yea. I have it. Now what can you tell us about it?'

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