Chapter 6: Team Skull

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The next morning was a carbon copy of every morning Aura was forced to endure since she arrived at the Guild, not to say she didn't like waking up to Loudred yelling, chasing Loudred to the common room, tacking Loudred and then straightening herself out before Chatot could call out the misbehavior.

But this morning was different, this morning, Chatot introduced the concept on an Expedition to the rest of the Guild, unlike the previous night however, the small bird Pokémon went into further detail as to what the expedition was to hold.

There were already volleys of chatter being thrown around the room just from the mere mention of an exploration, Chatot flapped his wings, kicking up a small breeze, "Ahem! As I was explaining... There is a lake far to the east. There are many aspects of this lake that remain a mystery."

Chatot huffed as he smoothed down his feathers, "So to answer the one question everyone is thinking, yes, the Guild is planning on lunching a full Expedition, the purpose of this Expedition is to unravel the mysteries surrounding this lake."

Once again, the rest of Chatot's speech was drowned out by waves of excited voices.

"An Expedition, you say? Yes, please! Yes sirree!"

"It's been a long time since we went on an Expedition!"

"But... That means you're going to be picking members for the Expedition from ALL of us again, right?"

Chatot kicked up another small gust, "To answer Loudred, Precisely! We will depart in several weeks however, so there will be time to either improve... Or diminish your chances of being selected. We will only choose the most qualified Guild members to form the Expedition party."

Aura took a step forward, Chatot nodded to her. 'What about the Team dynamics? Hypothetically, if I get chosen to go on this Expedition does that mean Fearik and Cyndriss go too? Or-' Before Aura could finish the other Guild Members began to shout.


"Hey! Hey! Hey! That can't be allowed!"

"By golly! That is a wonky way of looking at thing's! Yes sirree!"

Chatot huffed, "Silence! Silence! Remember everyone! Aura is new to the Guild! It is a valid question!" Half the Guild turned to the small Bird Pokemon while the other half continued to glare at Aura.

Chatot sighed, "To answer your question Aura, no, if a team member is chosen for the expedition then only they will be allowed to take part in the Expedition. That is why we have decided to give you a few weeks to prepare yourselves to raise the chances of being selected."

Aura nodded firmly and retook her spot between Fearik and Cyndriss. "Now then, everyone is expected to work hard and do their best!" Once Chatot was finished talking the rest of the Guild dissolved into excited chatter about the upcoming expedition.

"Oh my gosh! This is so exciting!"

"Yup yup! I've yet to go on an Expedition! I would surly love to go this time!"

"Let's work hard at it and get picked as members!"

Chatot smiled before raising his wings, "Alright, everyone! It's back to work as usual!" After the rest of the morning cheer the remaining Pokemon scattered to do their duty. Leaving Team Cobalt in the dust with Chatot.

"Ah, you three." Chatot mused happily, "Today, I want you three to check up on the escort, search and rescue, location and delivery and... Ah! The Outlaw notice board, now is not the time for domestic house calls, understand?"

The three nodded firmly, Chatot smiled, "Well then you three best be off." And with that he hopped into the Guild Master's chamber as the three moved over to the ladder

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