Ch 13: Pt 5

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"Ah, hello Aura, Fearik." Chimecho greeted lightly, the local Audino Doctor turned and nodded to the two as they walked in, Aura smiled sadly as she approached the pink normal type. 'How is she?' Aura asked quietly.

Audino smiled, "Well... She just came out of surgery, we had to sedate her beforehand." Aura frowned at that as she followed after the pink Pokemon, "She should be fine, so far there have been no complications so all that's left if for her to wake up."

Aura arched a brow, 'How long could that take?' Audino sighed, "It could be hours or days... She managed to hit her head pretty hard, luckily the worst is behind us... However, as they say, waiting can be the hardest part..."

Aura nodded slowly, 'When can we see her?' Audino smiled sadly, "... If you stick around for a while, I can let you in right after I finish the follow up tests?" Fearik nodded, "That would be great..."

Audino nodded, "Of course, please, have a seat, I'll tell you the instant you can go in... Oh and don't expect her to wake up just yet. And please, don't try to wake her, she needs her rest." Aura lowered her ears bashfully in response as she slipped into a chair.


"She's just in here, I'll leave you three alone for a bit." Audino chimed lightly before trotting down the hall. Fearik immediately moved to the Fire types bedside, gently taking hold of the sleeping Pokémon's hand in his own as he took a seat beside the bed.

Aura looked Cyndriss over, there was a thick layer of gauze wound around her head and torso, other than the obvious... She looked well. Fearik smiled as Aura approached, "I've been coming to visit every day since I woke up..." He hummed as he gestured to the opposite side of the bed.

"She hasn't done much... And I was worried she'd never wake up..." Fearik murmured slowly before looking to Aura, "But, now the Doctor is saying that she'll be fine!"

Aura nodded, 'If anyone could survive an attack like that, it'd be Cyndriss.' Fearik hummed in response, "Yea... Even before we became an Exploration Team, and long before we met you... Cyndriss was always the strong one..."

Fearik snickered lightly, "There were so many times Cyndriss stood up for me because I couldn't stand up for myself..." Aura watched as her water type friend ran a finger over back of their unconscious friend's hand, "I'd be lost without Cyndriss... And I doubt I'd be who I am today without her..."

Aura smiled as she leaned over the bed, patting Fearik on the shoulder reassuringly, 'Hey... The Doctor said that Cyndriss would be fine. We'll get through this, together...'

Fearik smiled and nodded before turning back to Cyndriss, "Alright... We have to go now... Chatot's probably ready to start the debriefing so we best be on our way... When you wake up, make sure Chimecho sends word for us, alright?" Fearik cooed gently as he placed the fire types hand over her chest.

Aura smiled at her friends before rising as well.

The two waved at their fire type friend as they left the room, hardly noticing the small smile creeping onto her face as she slept...

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