Ch 3: Pt 6

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True to his word, they found Bidoof sitting beside the Outlaw notice board, he smiled brightly once he caught sight of them. "Are you folks all set and ready for some exploring?"

The three of them nodded, Bidoof looked over the stuff they decided to purchase at the shop, "Oh, yes sirree! Reckon you all are all ready! Then let's pick ourselves a lawbreaker for you to find." The three approached the board to look over the various jobs listed.

"Well, you've got your pick of this sorry bunch of characters." Bidoof piped quietly from Fearik's left, Fearik hummed in agreement before glancing over to his two partners, "Which should we pick?" Bidoof turned to the three.

"Ahem. As your mentor, how about I do the choosing?" Fearik grinned sheepishly, "Just don't choose anyone too scary!" Bidoof laughed lightly at that before replying, "Yes sirree, I hear you! Now let's see... Eenie, meenie..."

Before Bidoof reached 'Moe' a loud set of voices called from behind the board wall. "Stand clear! Updating listings! Stand clear! Updating listings!" Fearik jumped back, "What's that? What's happening?" Bidoof smiled as he took a step back, gesturing for Aura and Cyndriss to follow.

"The notice board is being updated is all." Fearik looked over to Bidoof, "It's being... Updated?" As soon as Fearik stopped talking the panel hosting all the fliers flipped, leaving the four to look at a blank wooden spot on the wall.

Bidoof sighed and took a seat, "The Job boards are set on revolving panels, while the panel is flipped over a Pokemon named Dugtrio swaps out the old jobs with new ones." Cyndriss looked past Fearik, "Dugtrio?" Bidoof nodded.

"Diglet's Father?... Uh? Parental figures? It's their job to update the notice boards, he tunnels his way to our Guild, flips the panels and updates the fliers. The duty doesn't get nearly as much recognition but it's very important. Yup, yup! That's why Dugtrio takes such great pride in their duty!"

Cyndriss smiled, "Is that so?" From the other side of the panel Dugtrio called, "Updating completed! Stand clear! Updating completed! Stand clear!" Fearik stood straight, "Oh! Looks like their done."

As if to prove Fearik's point the panel flipped moments after he finished speaking. "Yes sirree! The fliers are updated." Bidoof hummed happily as he turned to the trio, "The list of Outlaws has been refreshed, so let's pick one."

All of a sudden, Fearik began to... Shake... Not out of fear, or excitement... But out of rage, pure, boiling, primal. Rage. Aura was the first to notice followed shortly by Cyndriss and Bidoof, "Huh? What's ailing you? Why are you shivering all of a sudden?" Bidoof asked lightly as he looked about the room.

"It's not cold in here, after all." Fearik ignored him, hissing low in his throat as he pointed to the top left of the updated board. Aura froze while Cyndriss voiced her shock in a single name.

"It's Drowzee..."

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