Chapter 3

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| Anya Armani |

Here i am, laying down on my bed starring up at the ceiling. It's boring Sunday and i have nothing to do. Stella is having lunch and fun time with her family, my brother is somewhere with his friends, my mother is working, my dad, i have no idea where he is. I groaned frustrated, Shawn didn't gave me his number, the only number i have from last night is Cameron's, but i don't know he seems like a nice dude but still. I stood up from my bed and grabbed my phone, the moment i grabbed my phone i got message "You are wizard Harry" I said and raised my phone high up in the air, i laughed at myself and unlocked my phone to see i got message from one and only Cameron Dallas. I smiled as i opened message.

Cameron👅: Hey cutie, you want to hangout today?

Don't judge he put his number and his name in my phone.

Me: Sure why not :)

After like second he replied

Cameron👅: Okay i will pick you up at 6:)

I smiled to myself and looked at time, 3:23. I walked downstairs and grabbed Chocolate Milk from the fridge,i opened it and started drinking it, someone walked throught front doors and i could hear my brother talking with someone and the person's voice was very familiar. I peeked throught doors to see one and only Shawn Mendes i chooked on my Chocolate milk and started coughing really loud. Someone rushed to Kitchen, "Oh my, Hun are you okay?" The person said and put their hand on my shoulder i looked up to meet his chocolate brown eyes. "Anya! What are you doing here?" He asked me surprised. "I live here" i chuckled and wiped tears from my eyes from when i was coughing. Shawn was about to say something when my brother walked i kitchen "Bro PS is on let-" he stopped himself when he saw me "Ew what happened to you missy?" He asked as he glared at me up and down. I rolled my eyes and walked pass him grabbing rest of my Choco Milk in process. "I'm going out with Cameron" i said walking upstairs "Cameron who?" The both asked in sync i chuckled a little, i turned around looking at them and said "Cameron Dallas" I smiled and walked upstairs to my room. I walked to my closet. "Hm what should i wear, what should i wear?" I asked myself outloud going throught my clothes. "How about lingerie?" Someone asked me, i screamed and jumped "Shawn oh my God, you scared me!" I yelled at him putting my hand over my heart, he licked his lips and smashed them against mines, they moved in sync like they were made for eachother, he pressed me against wall and picked me up so my legs were wrapped around his waist, he started to kiss my neck and i moaned softly, it took me second before i realized what i was doing, i unwrapped my legs and jumped away from him, he looked at me Confused "I can't do this now Shawn" i said picking up white crop top, and some boyfriend jeans. "Come on babe why not" he came closer to me and bite on my ear and kissed my cheek. "I'm going out with Cameron" i said and pushed pass him, i began to walk to my bathroom. "Why with him?? Dude is like 2inches" He said to me resting his shoulder on bathroom door frame. I turned my heels and looked at him "I don't care how big he is, we will just hang out, not fuck" i rolled my eyes and shut the doors.

"Why would you do that?" I asked Cameron laughing while eating my fries. Me and him were at McDonalds bc my ass was hungry, and now we are sitting down on bench in a park. He was just telling me how he dropped whole bag of skittles on his sister for Vine. "It was only for fun tho" He said and smiled down at me, i looked up and saw it was already dark, and you could see stars, it was around 8:54. I looked at him and he was already looking at me "You are so beautiful Anya" i blushed and covered my face with my hands "Don't cover your beautiful face" he laughed and grabbed my hands in his and held them, his hands were really soft and warm, i looked up at him and he started to slowly lean it, i feelt butterflies in my stomach, we kissed and let me tell you boy was pretty good kisser and had really soft lips, he might be better kisser then Shawn. We pulled away and he rest his head on top of mine.

"It was really nice to hang out with you Anya, can we maybe do it again?" He asked me as he held my hands, i smiled and nodded, he smiled wide and lean down and kissed me "Bye Cameron" i said when we pulled away, i waved at him and he blew a kiss, i walked inside my house and smiled like an idiot "Why are you smiling like that?" Justin asked out of no where. "OH MY GOD" i yelled "People! You have to stop scaring me!" I said and pointed my finger at Justin. "Why were you so long with Cameron?" He asked me crossing his arms, i rolled my eyes "Justin give me a break please" i said and tried to walk upstairs. I heard him sigh "i'm older you know" he said "yeah yeah" i said and closed doors of my room. I grabbed my phone and facetimed Stella, she answered after 3rd ring, she was eating pancakes. "Oh my God you will never guess what happened" I smiled at her like a little kid.


A/N: I hope you guys liked it! Love yall♡

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