Chapter 25

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| Anya Armani |

"Go awayyy" I yelled from bathroom as i heard someone knocking on the doors, what the heck? I fell asleep in bathroom. "Anya come on get out!" I heard Stella from other side of the doors, "Just a second" i said, i heard her walk away, i stood up and looked myself in mirror, i rolled my eyes and brushed my teeth and washed my face, i walked outside and saw Stella on her phone, she looked up at me "You look like a shit" she laughed, "Yeah" i said and walked to my suitcase, "Wooo what is going on? What happened? Why are you acting like a Johnson yesterday?" i just wanted to broke down by just his name, well last name... I just shrugged my shoulders and picked up denim shorts,Wild Life t-shirt that Gilinsky gave it to me, and Adidas Superstar, i brushed my hair and did my makeup which was just mascara and little bit of  highlight, i have clear skin so i don't really need foundation. I sprayed one of Stella's perfumes and i saw her walking outside the bathroom with towel around her, as i was about to say something i heard doors open and Anna walking in, "Hey" she greeted and i said Hi back, "I am sorry for like saying that yesterday... I didn't know it was big deal for you" she apologized, dammit why you have to be so nice? "It's okay" i smiled at her and she nodded walking to bathroom. "We are leaving in 2 days tho" Stella said brushing her blond hair, "I know..Anyways imma go out for a little i need some air" i told her as i grabbed my Vans backpack and putting my wallet and water bottle in, "Okay be here before 4 we have some check up with teachers" she said and i looked at time


I nodded and walked outside hotel room, "Dammit" i mumbled as i forgot my jacket, i walked inside and saw Stella naked, she screamed and tried to cover yourself "Dude chill it's just me, and why are you naked?" I laughed, "I wanted to put something on and my towel dropped on accident and walked in" she stated, i rolled my eyes playfully and grabbed my Jacket that was on chair, i walked outside again and put the jacket on and put keys of hotel room inside my pocket, i walked to elevator and saw Skate in it, Great.

"Hey there Lil' Mama" he chuckled, "Hi Skate" i said nicely not trying to sound dead, "What is wrong with you?" he asked concerned, "Just some shit" i mumbled "Johnson said that too" he said, my heart broke again... I awkwardly coughed as i saw we arrived at Lobby i said bye to Skate and walked outside, i waved to Taxi and he stopped "dónde señorita"He asked politely which means Where to Miss?. "Playa por favor" i smiled at him and he nodded beach please. I plugged my earbuds in and listened to MaggieLind, she has suck a great music, we arrived and i thanked him and walked outside, You may be wondering where i learned Spanish, well my dad is Italian and Italian and Spanish are kinda similar so i learned both of them at the same time. I took of my shoes and socks and let my feet feel sand and small waves that are coming, we don't have this in Canada, How did my life got so wrong so fast? Oh yeah... I agreed to be Shawn's fuck body and went behind his back and fucked his friends and took boy'a virginity and made him fall in love with me... Keep up with Kardashians what? i would make more money out of my life and my drama right now..

"Hey" i heard someone, i turned around and took one earbund out, "Cameron?" i questioned looking at him confused "Can we talk?" he asked, "I don't wanna talk now i have a lot of things on my mind now" i rolled my eyes looking back at the ocean "Look i know you are mad but i just want to explain" he started, can't boys just take a hint? "Cam-" i started "No please let me" he cut me off and i sighed letting him continue "I was a jerk i know when i stopped talking to you was one of the worst decisions in my life, i was just scared you will find out something too soon and look at me in other way" he put his head down "Find out about what?" i questioned confused, he looked me up with sad eyes "I-I umm, cheated on my ex girlfriend and sleept with so many girls after that" he said fast and bite his lip waiting for my respond "Wow" i said looking down "But Cam, we were never a thing tho" i said honestly "We weren't?" he asked raising his voice but not in angry way tho, "Like you never really asked me t-Yeah i get it" he cut me off,i am really starting to hate when people do that. "So let's go back to Hotel?" he questions, "Sure" i said.

| Stella Maxwell |

As soon as i Anya left the room i got dressed in Shorts,Crop top that shows my cleavage a little bit, and some Vans, i walked to Nash and Cam's room because that is usually where everyone meets and hangout, i walked inside and saw G and Skate  playing video games, Taylor and Nash smoking, Anna and couple more girls were there too "Hey guys" i greeted smiling "Hey you are Anya'a friend" Sammy joked as he poked my side and i giggled, i saw in corner of my eye Taylor watching us while talking with Nash,"I have name yanno" i smiled at Sammy, "Oh yeah" he put his hand to his chin like he was thinking "Samantha?" he questioned and i laughed "Nooo", he smiled "Sofia?" he asked again making me laugh more "Stella" i said finally, "OH YEAH" He yelled and we started laughing, We continued talking about random things when Johnson walked inside looking like shit, "Bruh what is wrong with you?" Asked Skate looking at him up and down "Just some shit" he said and shrugged his shoulders, i gave him weak smile, "Imma head out" Skate said grabbing his jacket "What for?" asked G looking around for his new PS partner Skate put his 2 fingers to his lips like he was smoking "OHHH" G yelled and laughed and Skate walked outside, "Sammy mate come here" yelled Gilinsky mentioning Sammy to him, Sammy rolled his eyes "You coming?" he smiled showing his dimples "Yeah" i smiled. Hmm why not?


A/N why am i writing so long chapters? haha i am moving so fast with this book!!

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