Chapter 20

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| Anya Armani |

"G give it back!" Johnson yelled at Jack as he was chasing him around airport, "Little baby face Johnson wants his phone back huuh?" Jack teases as he put his arm up in the air because he was taller then J, "Come on you immature kids" i said as i read out Flight 223 to Sayulita, Mexico now boarding. G laughed and gave him his phone back, let me tell you what happened, so i arrived at airport around 3:15am and first person i saw was G he was standing there talking to some girl and blah blah blah Johnson came 2nd and then Cameron,Nash,Skate,Sammy and Taylor, and last people that came guess who Shawn and Stella don't worry they were not acting all lovely dovely for fact they were walking pretty far from each other. Stella didn't tried to talk to me she just had guilty look on her face and i had guilty look on my face bc of Shawn and well, Jack...

We sat on a plane and me and Johnson has seats next to each other and he let me have Window seat, i took snapchat as we were up in the air lol

Oh and my phone screen is crashed like really crashed i don't know how i can use it, everyone asked me how i broke it i just said it fell down the stairs

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Oh and my phone screen is crashed like really crashed i don't know how i can use it, everyone asked me how i broke it i just said it fell down the stairs. I looked around plane and saw Shawn talking to blond girl and they were laughing, i felt my stomach drop and my heart broken, i wanted to cry but i had to keep my cool, "You okay?" asked Jack as he put his arm around me and i rest my head on his shoulder "Yeah everything is okay" i smiled and he kissed my head, i don't deserve him...

"MEXICO CAN I GET A HOOOYAAA" Cameron yelled as we walked outside airport waiting for our teacher, everyone laughed and older people gave him dirty looks but he brushed it off and smiled.

"Okay Cameron thank you so much for introducing us to lovely Mexico" Mrs.Jordan cracked joke "No problem Patricia" Cameron said "Jordan....Mrs" she states and gave look to Cam and he just laughed, "Okay people let's get going find a pair to go with and let's go to hotel it's not far away" she smiled and started walking, i looked around to find someone to get with

which leaves me with-"Let's go together" Jack grins as he pulled me into hug i smiled and felt his nice cologne Oh My God, He grabbed my hand and i looked down at them and smiled, be began walking and listening to Mrs.Jordan telling us what we should be and we should not do "So no party's"she stated and i have feeling everyone groaned.
We arrived at Hotel in short period of time Mrs.Jordan strictly said no boys and girls will share a room and once again everyone groaned, well except of me, she gave us papers where it says who is staying in which room


Well great i am sharing room with Stella and some girl i don't even know, "Bad we won't share a room together" Jack pounted and i laughed kissing his cheek "You will get over it" i said quickly before boys pulled him away and they walked away, i began to walk to my room, i walked inside and there was a key with my name on it, and i walked to bed where is my name written on paper on it where it says our activity's.

I saw Stella giving me sad looks from across the room, i can't take this anymore. "Hey Stella" i said softly, she looked up in surprised "Can we talk?" i asked, she nodded and walked up to me and sat on my bed, good thing the Anna girl is not here yet, "Look you have been my bestfriend since i know myself, and sure what you did was really wrong but i think everyone deserves second chance " i smiled and looked at her face for reaction, her face lit up and there was that smile i always knew "Are you serious?" she asked as her eyes tear up "Yes" i laughed, she jumped from the bed and hugged dear life out of me "Thank you thank you, i am so sorry Anya, i never meant to do that to you" she stated, "It's okay" i said softly and we pulled away from hug, right at that moment doors opened and we both turned around, and there was the girl that was talking to Shawn on plane and the girl that held Shawn's hand in our way here.

"Hey guys i'm Anna"

A/N do you guys like book so far??
February 6th 2018

snap: ida.rosic
insta: ida.rosic / cupcakejohnsonn
fb: IdaRosic

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