Chapter 11

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| Anya Armani |

"Anya Truth or Dare?" Gilinsky asked as he passed blunt to Johnson, we are at Taylor's house just having fun and being stupid teenagers, Cameron,Stella,Taylor,Jack&Jack,Shawn,Nate,Nash and Sammy will come later he has some meetings, "Dare" I said confidently, he smirked "Go 7min in Heaven with-" he paused and looked around room, i rolled my eyes here we go, i looked at Shawn and he was on his phone "Johnson" He finally said and Johnson started coughing from joint, everyone started laughing "you weak pu$$y" yelled Nate and took Joint away from him, "Go now" Gilinsky pushed Johnson to me and he laughed, He gave me his hand so i he can pull me up, i grabbed his hand and he pulled me down i almost fell but he caught me in his hands i looked into his green/blue eyes, this boy has some pretty eyes "Guuuys" Gilinsky whines and pushed us into closer i laughed as Johnson closed the doors, i leaned against wall the light was dimmed, he walked up slowly to me so i could feel his breath on my lips, he looked me in eyes and then my lips, "I wish you are mine" He said, he didn't gave me time to reply he smashed his lips into mine it took me second to proceed but i started kissing back, he put one of his hands on my cheek and he slipped his tongue in my mouth and i moaned softly, he placed his hand on my waist, and pulled me up so i had my legs around his waist as he pinned me against wall, we separated to take a breath and he started kissing my neck and sucking on my sweet spot, i moaned loudly "Shh baby" He whispered, i just wanted to fuck him already, he turned me on so much, as he was about to take my shirt off doors opened and there was smirking Gilinsky, Johnson groaned and he put me down giving me last peck on lips i smiled, we walked outside and i rolled my eyes at Gilinsky, we walked back inside room and i saw Taylor and Stella making out and Shawn was no where to be seen, Where does that kid always go? I sat down beside Johnson and he smiled, he leaned down and put his arm around me as he rested his head on my shoulder, Cameron looked away, Nash looked at us in Awe, we continued playing game untill Cameron walked to kitchen, he walked back with beer in his hands and 2 huge packs of weed we all cheered "Let's get it Lit" he laughed and started yelling right after Sammy walked inside house, oh damn, "Daddy Wilk is here" Sammy yelled his face dropped as he saw Johnson has his arm around me, it broke my heart when i saw that, he shook it off and went to Cameron and started rolling Joint, i felt really bad i know that he likes me, i excused myself from Johnson and went up to him and Cam, as soon as i approached then Cam walked away, "Sammy-" i started but he cut me off "I get it" he said looking at me with sad eyes, "You never liked me" he finished and looked down, Oh no "Sammy it's not that i don't like you" I said "Then what? Anya... I really like you but turns out you like someone else" He said and i saw tears in his eyes, my eyes started to water "I am so sorry" I said, he looked me in eyes and nodded, he put joint in his mouth and Lit it up, He blew smoke in my face "Everything is okay" and with that he walked away, i felt so stupid that i played him like that, i am so mad at myself, truth is i really did like him, but i just can't decide with who i want to be, this is so fucked up, my thoughts were cut off when Johnson placed his hand on my shoulder, "Everything okay?" He asked concern, i nodded and i hugged him, he wrapped his arms around me, i feel safe in his arms, "Yooo love birds come here" Taylor yelled at us and waved i laughed and Jack smiled shyly, he took my hand into his and we walked to them, Sammy looked me sharp in eye and i felt like he looked me into my soul which made me uncomfortable i shifted closer to Johnson, and Sammy smirked,okay this is really weird. Taylor passed blunt to me and i took huge breath in "Holy cow" Taylor laughed, i let out breath feeling shives going down my spine, i took couple more untill Johnson took it away, i whines and he smiled and kissed my lips, Stella went Aww and i smiled.

Everyone is so fricking drunk or high at this point, Nash and Cam were playing mario card and yelling at TV for Mario to drive faster, Gilinsky is sitting down laughing at them, Taylor and Stella were probably fucking somewhere, Sammy was wasted and still smoking looking at us all the time while talking to Nate, me and Johnson were cuddling down on couch, he had his arm around my shoulder and i'm cuddling into his arms, i was holding joint in my left arm and slowly smoking while Johnson was drinking beer, he isn't even drunk he didn't drink that much, but he was deffo high like me, Sammy looking at me all the time was starting to annoy me, i turned my head so i was looking up at Jack he looked down at me and i smashed my lips into his,he kissed back second after and i turned away so was sitting in his lap, he put both of his hands on my ass and started kissing my neck, i moaned and i looked Sammy right in the eye, he was just smirking at me, i leaned down and whispered into his ear "let's go upstairs" i whispered and i felt his little friend into his pants, he grabbed me and picked me up carrying me upstairs we heard whistles and people yelling "OH GET IT JOHNSON" Gilinsky yelled, "what an idiot" Johnson laughed and kissed my lips, i giggled and kissed his neck.

A/N: Shawn,Sammy or Jack? Which one bi#%^ i can not pick one jkjk
January 15th 2018
My school just started *cries in Spanish*

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