Family crisis(pic Of hunter)

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I woke up the next morning with massive head ache. I looked down at myself to see that I was half dressed and Hunter's arm was draped across my waist. I didn't want to be rude and disturb his sleep so I just layed there and thought for a moment. We couldn't have gone all the way I would have woken up with more then just a head ache considering that I haven't really gotten some since last year in October.

Hey i'm not slut but i'm not no nun neither.

Okay this fucking head ache is gonna be the death of me.

"Hey Hunter wake up!" I said nudging him in his side.

"mmmmm" I heard him mumble in between the sheets.

"Hunter!" I said more firmly this time. You want to know what was his response he simply patted my head as if I were a fucking dog. Alright you asked for it.

"HUNTER WAKEE THE FUCK UP, WHAKEY WHAKEY DUMB SHIT" I yelled in his ear, elbowing his side.

Well that got him up. hehe (grins evily to self)

"What is the matter with you WOMEN cant you see sleep is a precious thing in life that I like to enjoy!" he said , but it kind of faltered towards the end when I smacked his arm off.

"I'm going to go get some Advil or try to find some, you want any?" I asked him.

"After your screaming I'm going to need more then just Advil." he said going back to sleep.

I went on the hunt for some Advil me being the very wise person I am check the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. Haha bingo jackpot. I grabbed 5 pills ,3 for Hunter , and 2 for myself.

After I fixed my dress I walked down stairs avoided all the body that appeared to be dead but really they were all just really hangover. I searched for a glass to fill up with water. I drank the pills and filled the glass backup for Hunter. I saw he was in the middle of getting dressed giving me a good view of his toned body.

"Like what you see." Hunter said smirking as he was facing me.

"Very much yes" I said sitting on the bed checking my phone for any messages.

Lisa: hey saw you were busy, me and mike made our way home safely txt me if you need me to get you. -Lisa

"You're very straight forward you know" he said drinking the pills.

"I get that a lot" I said.

"Come on lets go get a cup of coffee" he said

"Okay " I said collecting my things.


Once at Starbucks were ordered our drinks and waited for our names to be called. I couldn't help but notice all the weird glances that where thrown our way. I mean we both probably looked like shit and not to mention we weren't really dressed for a coffee date.

Once we got our coffees we decided to sit outside since we both got fed up with the people stares.

"You do know that we didn't really go all the way right." Hunter said sipping his drink.

"Yeah I noticed, I don't think I would be walking straight if we did." I said fanning my tongue since me being the idiot that I am forgot coffee comes hot and burned my tongue.

"Why'd stopped you" I finally asked him.

" You don't deserve that although I really wanted to but, your different I really want to try something else with you Arie but I'm new to this whole dating thing." he said.

Aww how sweet he cares!!

"I would really like that and trust me lets take it slow I don't what getting into a relationship I know I will fuck up." I said

Hunter agreed since he to had his player ways.

Hunter dropped me off at my house, and sped off in a jiffy to his house.

On second inside though I would have rather gone with him cause as soon as I walked threw those door I was hammered with questions.

Fml -_-


I was currently sitting in my living room dressed in some nice loose dance pants, and a crop top. My parents was sitting on the opposite couch in front of me. My mom was staring at me like she had seen a ghost.

Apparently my siblings knocked the fuck out, and didn't mention to my mom or Charles that I was certainly okay. I could see my sister's and brother's head popping out of the hallway. They were both giving me guilty looks.

"Look I know your upset but I'm find no need to throw a fit." I said calmly, I'm surprised I haven't walked out considering how things with me and my mom were.

"Look we're not upset I would just appreciate-" Charles started but mom wasn't having it.

"Do you know how worried I was, I stepped into your room 5 times through out the night hoping you would magically appear and be sleeping in your your bed." she said her face reddening.

"Really now what's with all the worry all of a sudden." I said smirking.

"I HAVE ALWAYS CARE DAMNT!" my mother yelled at me.

"Where we're you though the ages of 10 - 14 when we all needed you the most, oh yeah I forgot you over here living like a damn queen while we were treated like shit, I never forget things mom." I said taking a breather.

"I was getting my life together so I can provide for you." She started tears in her eyes .

"A better life so you wouldn't have had to go back to what you went threw." I just stared at her for a moment.

"That is the most pathetic excuse I have ever heard you say, what was the big deal with taking us with you from the start. We could have dealt with it like a real family." I said storming away and locking myself in room for the rest of the weekend.

I was writing this during school. haha but anything for you guys (Hunter to the side)

Such a hottie I know.

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