Never looking back

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"Well thanks a lot you two for ditching me at the party" Mike said coming down the stairs of the kitchen.

"Sorry little brother" I said ruffling his hair. Which earned me a glare, and giggle from Lisa.

"But I am curious who gave you lift home." I asked

His lips held a pink ting to them, as my smirk grew bigger.

"Ohh you know just some random girl at the party." he said grabbing the leftover pancakes.

Haha I knew.

"The girl you fucked huh, she gave you lift didn't she , omg how awkward was it huh to just relapse your sisters are gone and walk back in to ask for a ride." I said laughing my butt off along with Lisa.

"Shut up" Mike said stuffing his face with pancake.

"Oh little brother your never going to live that down." I said

Mike smirked "Little do you know that girl just left no more then 2 hours ago , so I'm not the only one who got a ride last night." He said smugly.

My face fell "your the biggest slut I've ever meat." I told him,leaving the kitchen

"Lisa be ready in 20 we're leaving to the mall." I hollered to her .

I tend to leave most weekends since I try to avoid my mom at all cost.

Don't ask me why I hold so much of a grudge.

Some people will never understand.


"Ooooh come on with fall coming we're going to need some scarves." I said walking into Urban Outfitters.

I loved shopping just like any other girl, but if your mall had no Vans store, Urban , or Pacsun. I wont hesitate in driving right past your mall.

"Can we go grab like a Starbucks or something?" Lisa asked me coming back with scarves and various clothes.

"Yeah let's go pay this real quick tho." I said heading towards check out.

The check out line wasn't that long so we got out there quick, good thing to because I'm not the most patient person out here.

Once at Starbucks we weren't so lucky the line as expected was super long. The lady finally called our names about 10 minutes later.

Got damn I could of just gone over to a random restaurant and they would have given me a coffee quicker than this.

"Why do you always order the same thing" Lisa asked me. receiving one of her many favorites.

"Because if something isn't broke, why fix it duh." I said taking a sip of my White Chocolate Mocha. Since the weather is getting colder I start ordering warm drinks.

"Hey Aire Hunter is coming this way" Lisa told me , and sure enough he no more then 10ft away from me.

"Lesson number one little sister never show them fear or shame." I said keeping my head held high because let's be honest I wasn't clearly surprised he did what he did.

"Arie!" I heard him shout my name.

I turned around and gave him a curt nod. "Hunter" I said

"Look about last night I am so sorry, I can't explain what happen I was an idiot, I was drunk I didn't mean to hurt you" he said. I laughed on the the inside.

Hurt me.


That's funny.

No one hurts .

"Look it alright you didn't hurt me were not even dating yet," I said giving him false hope, his face lit up as I said this, "so let's forget this ever happen."

"Yeah let's start ov-" he started.

"Forget me and you ever had a thing even if you want forget me and you were getting close, but I could stay friends if you want." I said looking at him in the eye. His blue eyes held hurt and guilt but that quick masked itself with confusion.

As expected.

"What d-do you mean, I thought" Hunter said scrambling for words.

"Thought what that I would forget about this and go back to you, I meant what I said Hunter I'm not and idiot. I never look back EVER." I said,

His eyes were shining now with regret. Know that a person mean what they say and they have meaning towards it. He should know he's been through just the same.

"I'm sorry I fucked up our chances of being together" he said looking at me.

"Yeah me too." I said walking away.

Lisa being the patience and best sister ever was waiting but the food court waiting for. One look and she knew to save the questions for later.

"Chinese or Italian" Lisa said , and this is why I love my sister.

"I'm feeling so homeland food" I said.

"Italian it is baby" Lisa shouted headed towards the exist to get some real Italian food.


Short update last chapter had not type of editing so sorry for the mistakes.

Awwww poor Hunt well that what you get for being a jerk.




If you liked it bye.

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