Everything happens on prom night

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It took me forever to pick the dress but in the end I went with this one it's simple and cute in my opinion not your usual prom dress but Arie is not your usual character. ;)

Any who here part 26.

(By the way my phone is still glitching )

Prom night was slowly getting closer and every senior was talking about it including some juniors who managed to get invited by a senior. Of Course Lisa was invited by Tyler and to mikes dismay he didn't get an invite but managed him a date for the night.

Me and the girls were getting last minute touches.




The usual.

I told Colton to ditch the tie he suggested a bow and I disagreed he'll look hot without one.

Rachel decides it would be better if she got ready at my house along with Lisa. We didn't exactly know who were Ravens and Evans dates but I didn't mind them meet us at our house. Colton said he would drive for the night and I made sure his hand was okay before I agreed.

I was doing my makeup and settled for a soft brown smokey eye and a soft pinky nude lip. My hair cascaded down my back in soft curls with one side being pinned.

My dress was simple and I loved it. It wasn't your usual prom dress but what would you expect coming from me. The dress was fully black with lace covering it. It was a high low dress that puffed up at the front. I loved the cut of it cause it showed my perfectly tan legs I paired it with a simple chain and earrings that Colton had given me and my cream heels. I was finally ready.

All the girl finished and we heard some cars pull up in the drive way. Tyler was the first to show along with Evan and his date. Raven called a couple minutes back saying he'll meet us there. I was beyond excited now deciding to grab a drink before we go.

"Well don't you look beautiful" I heard a voice from behind. I turned to the owner of the voice. My breath hitched in my throat. There in all his glory stood Colton.

He wore a single black and white tux without a tie or bow the first two buttons of his dress shirt were left undone and you could make out his defined chest through the shirt.

"Done checking me out babe." he smirked.

"Nope give me another minute or two." I said still eye raping him. He chuckle taking me by my hand.

"Come on babe, you can drool later, we have a prom to get to." he said pulling me toward his car. Tyler took Lisa , Evan took his date, and Jason took Rachel me Colton were last to leave the house. I waved a small bye to my parents since they were leaving the house for the night.

The group went out to small diner at The Cheesecake Factory. That were we meet Raven and his date. She was a pretty little thing and apparently Raven was crazy about her. Small talk was passed throughout the diner and we pretty much left after that.

Once at prom we all parted ways leaving me to enjoy my night with Colton. I noticed him staring at me as we stood on the dance floor swaying to the music.

"What the matter?" I asked him, he grinned to himself.

"Nothing just thinking about how lucky I am to have you, your beautiful without even trying." he pointed out caressing my cheek running his thumb over my cheek bone. I leaned into his touch.

"You know I'd never pictured myself here with you now." He laughed.

"I know you hated me when you first started off the year." I giggled.

"I agree you didn't give exactly the best first impression." I replied.

"Let me try again then, hi my name is Colton Carters what your name?" He asked.

"Arie Fields nice to meet you kind sir" I said faking a British accent.

"Your terrible" he laughed at my impression. I look around the room and noticed people glancing at us and smiling and to themselves.

Me and Colton stuck around for a while longer but pretty much prom was dying down. We took that as a sign to head out. It was almost 1 in the morning and we decide to stay at Colton's house.

Once in his room we stood there for a while till I asked Colton for help getting me out of my dress. I turned my back to him were he reached the zipper and ran his hand down at my now exposed back sending chills threw my spine. He placed a soft kiss on my back before turning me around closing the distance between us. The butterflies in my stomach erupted every time he placed a kiss on my neck his hands roamed down to my waist leaving one there while he put the other on my thigh lifting me up with one hand and placing me on my back on the bed.

(I will try not to make this to explicit but hope you don't mind)

He hovered over me as I sighed and tug on him bringing his face closer to my neck. He groaned as I grind my lower half to his. He places his lips on my own biting my lower lip asking for entrance which I gladly gave him. His tongue explore my mouth almost as if trying to make out every detail.

He let out a soft moan as I ran my hand threw his chest undoing the buttons and removing his shirt completely leaving him in his dress pants. He broke the kiss and trailed hot kisses down my neck and collar bone pulling the dress down as he went lower. He tugged the dress off leaving me in my black lace undergarments. He glanced down at my body his eyes held nothing but lust love .

"Oh god your so perfect." I smirked flipping us over and settled on his waist. I undid his belt and pulled the button apart tugging on the fabric of the pants. Colton places his hand on my hips lifting me up and placed me on his toned chest. as he removed his pants. I scooted back down and pulled him up with me kissing his Adam's apple. He groaned looking me in the eyes.

"Are you sure you want to do this tonight." he asked, I gave him an innocent look pushing him back down. Grinding my hips against his as I kissed his lips.

"You sure do love answering my questions like that don't you" he teased I smirked.

"It's the only way I know how."


And I'll leave it at that I'm not to good with the hot and explicit scenes. It not my thing. honestly I've never fully wrote a scene that's gone all the way but I hope you enjoyed this little sexy scene. I had lots of fun writing this part. Even thought it not that long

Bye loves
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