Fiesty After School.

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Sorry for the late update but I am finally on summer break, I just took my last finals and boy was I stressed but summer mean non stop computer time hehe but








Interesting weekend, more like Fucked up weekend. I spent it mostly in my bedroom watching Netflix or texting Hunter who btw was serious about wanting a relationship, but I not sure if I'm ready for a relationship just yet. But I do get jealous of other couples so who knows.

To avoid my mom I even left home early just to spend it in a café intil school.

Parking into school I saw the bitch Jaime the little bitch who I have come to see is quite obsess with Jason,its quite unhealthy if you ask me.

"Jaime" I said faking a smile.

"Don't mess with me Arie I know you were with Jason at that party." she sneered at me, Quite shocked from the info, I just held my poker face.

"Look sweetie I was drunk off my ass that night, so I don't recall being with Jason but if I did I'm pretty sure he had the time of his life." I said my smile upturning into a smirk.

Her jaw fell at my blunt answer.

"Just stay away from him." she screeched at my face, all I did was wipe the imaginary spit from my face.

She pulled back and screamed will stomping all the way to the schools entrance.

Tsk tsk

Unhealthy I tell you

I happily skipped at the way the corner of the school meeting up with my friends.

I simply nodded at everyone, hoping not to ruin my mood.

Apparently Hunter was serious about what he said at the coffee shop.

Usually he would be somewhere else shagging off some whore. But he was currently in front of me. Staring at me while I just smirked.

I winked at him and let myself go to first period.


After school cheer practice has started as well as football practice, usually the guys practiced outside. While the cheer practice was held in the gym.

But sadly it started rain half way threw school and hasn't stopped since.

So by force were meant to share the gym. Staying clear away from the cheer whores who won't stop talking about all the guys shirtless bodies.

What is this teen set up couples 101?

That's what there were talking about who would look good with who.

Like the fuck?

I was getting really annoyed about them talking about the current girlfriends of some of the football players. Who were really nice they should learn something from them.

Maybe they want someone with more class.

Why the fuck am here again.

I stopped short on my way to the corner waiting for the girls when I heard jaime.

"And of course Hunter, with Arie , man whore with the actual whore." she snickered.

What a bitch.

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