Lets get The Motherf**ker

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Yes another update in a week because I really feel bad that I didn't update in like 2 mouths honestly it felt like 5. But I had finals, please understand that's why. Anyway totally forgot to mention in the last part Happy New year! So details on my new story will be coming out soon if your interested. Thank you to all the new supporters that I have honestly you guys are amazing like 5k reads that's insane never thought I'd have so many.

Anywho here's part 22 ...

(Not edited)

Aries Pov.

It was 4pm and the police had already came to interview us on how things went down and there search was on.

But I just could sit there while Lisa was in the hands of a complete asswhole. The whole "Gang" was here.

Tyler,Mike, Rachel, Jason, Colton, Raven and Hunter. There was kind of an awkward tension between Hunter and Colton. but that was the least of my problems. And Jason kept giving Colton a weird look. Which made me wonder.

"Okay I can't take anymore!" I said getting on my two feet from the sitting position I was in on floor. Heading to the door.

"Where are you going?" Mike asked.

"To look for Lisa!" I said getting my keys.

"You can't the police said to wait in new they might have." Rachel said tugging on my arm.

"No Rach I can't! I can't live with the fact that Lisa is with him at this moment. I JUST CAN'T. No it all my fault anyway. We should have warned her." I said looking down. I feel so lost without her.

"Alright but you not going alone, and go change into some dark clothes. You and Rachel. We're going to go get Lisa back but things
could get ugly." He said

I took Rachel with me to my room it was pretty small for a room in a big house but I loved it beside it gave less room to fill it up with. I'm a pretty plain and cozy girl.

I put on a black crop top with black jeans and a cardigan with my black booty heels. I let Rachel borrow any dark clothes she wanted to wear. We both hurried down stairs to meet up with the guys.

"You guys ready" Colton's asked. We both nodded our heads.

We pulled into Charles suv and mine. We drove to Colton's house that took about 10 minutes.

"Alright pull in through the back." he said and followed his orders as Mike did the same with the suv he drove.

Colton got out and motioned for us to follow. We all went into his garage and my eyes balls were as big as gold balls. You'd think in a garage you'd have a lawn mower and gardening supplies right.... haha No this kid had guns and big kind too. We all stared in awe. I could tell this was new to Jason as well. What the fuck was this kid on.

"Remind me to never get on your bad side" Mike said. We all bursted out laughing but there was some seriousness to his voice. colton smirked and looked around and started to hand out gun to us. This was a side of colton we all never new. He's just full of surprises and I wanted to know all of him.

Weird huh

He came to me and handed me a small gun. I grabbed it with shaking hands. I was scared shitless right now.

Arie breath it just a gun.

"You got this baby girl" he assured me. I smiled I had this warm tingly feeling in my stomach. Since this whole thing began he started calling me baby girl instead of bunny. I liked it but I kinda missed the other nickname.

"Okay we're dressed like spy's and armed like the fucking S.W.A.T team now what?" Raven shouted i grinned at him.

"I know exactly where to go. " I said looking towards Mike he nodded.


We all travel down to the old house me and mike had stopped at yesterday. We all walked quietly to the entrance. It was really quiet and no cars were around.

Once inside the house everyone split out and it was obvious no one was here.

"Looks like pops knew we dropped by." Mike said coming into the main room.

You think I'm that stupid good luck getting your sister back.

"It that while you guys came in late to gym class yesterday?" Rachel asked us.

"Hey we weren't late we made it in right as the bell rang." he stated Rachel rolled her eyes.

"Split up and look to see if we can find out where he's at or where he has her." I said.

And the search began.


Me an Lisa searched in the kitchen since there was a door there. We had the guns in our hands ready in case anyone decided to pay us a little visit. We looked everywhere we looked at documents. We reared up the whole kitchen. But found nothing except for old document from when we still lived here. I was getting really stressed out.

After about 2 hours of looking we all came up short. Fuck! We really did underestimate him. We were now in the main room. I was crouched down the the corner of the room when I noticed at black object poke out from the couch.

"Whats that? Did anyone look under the couch." I asked everyone in the room.

"Is that a ducking laptop?" Jason said everyone laughed at his choice of words then everyone eyes widen as we registered what he said. We all lunged towards the couch I slid myself down the floor grabbing the useful object.

"Open it!" Tyler yelled. I glared at him. What the fuck did it look like I was doing playing tea party with it!

"Uh take your time girl, you got this." he said backing away. I went back to opening the laptop. It looked so familiar. We all groaned when we saw a password thing pop up.

"What would the idiot use." Mike said starting to think. I tried everything he would use.




Abusive father


"Really Arie chicken?" Mike said giving me the -___- face.

"What I'm desperate!" I said, I put the laptop on the beat up coffee table and stared at it then an idea hit me.


'Your desk top is preparing'

It work!!

"Shit Arie you did it!" Mike exclaimed "what was it?" He asked

"His dog he had as kid" weird name you would give a dog I know but I remembered the stories he would tell me about her. Well before we came to what he is.

"Give it to Evan he's like a little tech nerd." Rachel said.

"Hey!" Evan exclaimed, I smiled and handed him the laptop.

He started to look through everything and the idiot even hacked to see what websites he had been on.

"A lot of searches for warehouses are coming up. Here's the last one that came up." he said handing it over.

"Should we go look at it?" Mike asked .

"It the only source we have, lets go check it out. Take the laptop" I said.

"Come on" I said pulling Colton with me.

Watch out Lisa were coming for you baby girl.


Omg I'm so excited to write the next part!!! Actually I already started. 😉

(Arie's outfit and car) up there ⬆️⬆️⬆️

Next update: next week.

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