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I decided to update again because I did lack and I am sorry for those reasons here it is ...


Aries POV

I have never been so bored in my entire life me and Lisa came home from our run about 30 minutes ago and I have nothing to do.

Btw it was cold as hell outside I thought I was gonna die!

I really needed to start working out to if I wanted to make the soccer team and be in shape.

"Hey guys want to go to the gym." I asked my brother and sister.

"Sure all we been eating are cookies and egg nogg we could use it." Mike said grabbing his training bag.

"Sure " Lisa said reaching for her duffle bag.

"Its set then let go hoes!" I said excited.

I really needed this and in side was toasty warm.

At the gym we all went our separate ways. I went to run on the tread mill for about 30 minutes and proceeded to the weights now I know I and a girl but it lifts up your strengths.

And whats wrong a girl can be strong too!

"Arie?" I heard someone say.

"Yes?" I said peeking threw one corner. Oh hey lookie here Jason and Raven where.

"Best friend what are you doing here , hi Jason" I said me and Raven got stuck doing a lab assessment together and since then I call him my 'bestfriend'.

"Putting in work" Raven said flexing his muscles. "my pal here Jason is doing soccer instead of baseball so we whipping into shape."

"Really now, you play?" I asked turning toward Jason.

"I wouldn't be joining if I didn't" he smirked, okay mr. Goodie Goodie is quite sarcastic.

"Okay then, well I was just gonna go throw some punches." I said walking over to the punching bag.

"Raven was just leaving so why don't I go spot you." He said.

"I'm not so sure that's a good idea. I can get pretty violent." I said I didn't want the guy to get hurt, even if he was a tad but annoying.

"Don't worry about it I can handle it." he replied. most guys would have been like what can girl do that would hurt me or some shit like that so I have him credit.

"Alright I did warn you." I mused this can not go good.

We settled on a corner punching bag. Right away he got in position as I started punching away all my anger. My grades, people, my parents, everything. That was in till golden boy here stirred up a conversation.

"You have a good punch." he said.

"You surprised" I asked raising a eye brow.

"No just impressed." he stated.

"Thanks I guess." my force increasing.

"You know your nothing like those girl make you out to be" he said in awe at my impact with the bag. Probably wondering how can a tiny girl have so much power.

"What girls?" I asked him? All though girls talking shit didn't really faze me.

"The senior girls." He said almost disturbed. Those girls are getting really bothersome.

"What are they saying" I questioned further.

"Well they think your a slutty spoiled selfish girl who cares about no one but her self." he finish. As expected those girls don't know me which puts forth them talking about me. All though I was curious about one thing.

"Do you believe it?" I asked him

"Believe what?" he asked bewildered.

"What they say" I stated studding his face as he though about it for a moment.

"I never believe anything unless its proven to me" he said. Why do I have a feeling that theres more to what he just said. Getting back to punching before his turn I surprised myself no one was hurt yet.

"One more thing Ive been kind of curious to ask theres this rumor going on that you were raped at the age of 13 is it true." he asked ,at that moment my heart froze all my strength went to one punch and Im almost certin it didnt hit the bag. I heard a thud of a bodies impact with the ground.

"oh my gosh are you okay" I asked Jason helping him up.

"yeah I just really wasnt expecting that." he said rubbing his jaw that already started to bruise. I feel terrible.

"wait here I'll go get an ice pack." I said running towards the first aid kit. Running back to him I couldnt help but ask.

"So who started this rumor." I asked him pressing the ice pack to his jaw.

"I thought you knew Jamie is the one who was telling all the guys at the school." he said grabbing the ice pack.

"Does it look bad?" he asked , i looked at his cheek and grimced.

"No not at all, hehe come on I'll take you home." I said. I feel very ardor when Im with Jason. I trusted very few guys yes I tolerated a few and the one I trusted where clearly droping after Tom. But theres just a nice snug feeling I get when we speak.

Once at home I setteled in my room and thought for a while Jamie is such a bitch. But I wasnt going straight for revenge if that bitch wants to talk I'll let her talk. I just wanted to find out who she got the information from then I'll get even.


This is a very short update but I'm haveing problems with the moblie wattpad :(

Anyway just a filler I'll get another part in soon.

Haha poor jason dint see it coming.

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